What were you able to make using...

User 463058 Photo

1,079 posts

Raiders of the Lost Ark and Aliens. I've never seen Footloose.
User 562592 Photo

Registered User
2,038 posts

Ok, raiders of the lost ark. Thats it though. Footloose was a joke. Don't watch it unless its 80's night and then its a must.
The philosopher has not done philosophy until he has acted upon the mere conviction of his idea; for proof of the theory is in the act, not the idea.

My Web Development Company: http://www.innovatewebdevelopment.com (Created with Coffee Cup Software).

My Personal Website: http://www.EricSEnglish.com

User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Nobody puts baby in the corner! :lol:
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

omg no good movies in the 80's? What about:

Alien(s) (already mentioned)
Back to the Future
Batman (the first of the new batman movies)
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
The Princess Bride
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Raiders of the Lost Ark (already mentioned)
Willow (I love this movie!) lol
Back To The Future Part II
The Terminator
Short Circuit (one of the most awesome and funny movies ever!)
Karate Kid (the original one)

and the list goes on and on of some fantastic movies from the 80's, yes lots of flops but dozens of great ones, here's a site with a fairly decent list, not all inclusive I'm sure, but pretty good:

User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Well, there you have it. It's official. No need for further discussion.

Hey John. Sorry we hijacked your thread. :)
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 104702 Photo

Registered User
293 posts

No objections, you honor (free from Perry Mason)
John van Hulst
User 229533 Photo

Registered User
15 posts

I have recently used some of CC's programs to make this website for a friend: www.initiere-inot.ro

- Video Player > the movie on the homepage
- Form Builder > the contact form displayed on every page
- Gallery > the photo gallery on "Galerie" page

A lot of productivity gain! :)
www.PinBud.com - do you own a small business? ;)
User 2000538 Photo

Registered User
1,392 posts

looks good Lucian :D
I know you believe you understand what you think I said...but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not exactly what I meant.

User 6573 Photo

2,649 posts

johnvanhulst wrote:
Thank you all for liking my sixties music website! I updated it, explaining what you can do with the MYSQL database that makes searching and playlists possible. And of course I added a link to CC!
Also now it's on a subdomain: http://sixties.johnvanhulst.com

Have fun!


Great website John. I grew up listening to 50s and early 60s music. My Dads favorite era because he grew up in it. But then came the Beach Boys and Bay City Rollers and he joke with me, they did not sing true rock n roll. Haa haaa What great memories. I love the early 60 music, but I don't tell my Dad that ;)

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Lucian Sarbu wrote:
I have recently used some of CC's programs to make this website for a friend: www.initiere-inot.ro

- Video Player > the movie on the homepage
- Form Builder > the contact form displayed on every page
- Gallery > the photo gallery on "Galerie" page

A lot of productivity gain! :)

Very nice looking Lucian, I don't have a clue what it says, but looks like you have used the programs from CC very well and the elements fit in very nicely. Well done :)

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