What were you able to make using...

User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,218 posts

Open your web site and right click and choose view source. Thats how we see your f truck.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2146019 Photo

Registered User
58 posts

Eric Rohloff wrote:
Open your web site and right click and choose view source. Thats how we see your f truck.

Thanks :)

User 603315 Photo

Registered User
938 posts

Chance Scherr wrote:
Thanks everyone! Yes i did use VSD. Haha oops ill have to rename that i was getting a bit frustrated while making it. I plan on adding a mute button to the opening that's just what the owner wanted. What do you mean by everyone can read my code? Like while its opening or when you select an image or what? The width issue i plan to resolve soon as well i wasn't aware you could set a background image on the over all site with this one i added the background as an image and layered everything over it.

I'm sure you'll get everything working just fine. I always think it's a bit amusing how many times you can tell VSD has been used.
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Yes, like 100% of the time. It doesn't take a genius to identify VSD code.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 193638 Photo

Registered User
557 posts

For some reason I can't open the website in IE. It is stuck trying to donwload 1 file and just sits there.

And in FireFox, there is nothing there but the header, the rest is blank.
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Steven - I think Chance is cleaning up his code :lol:
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 193638 Photo

Registered User
557 posts

paintbrush wrote:
Steven - I think Chance is cleaning up his code :lol:

Yeah, I have a quick mouse; have mouse will travel!!

Now it says "Currently Unavailable". How rude! Just kidding!!:D
User 2146019 Photo

Registered User
58 posts

paintbrush wrote:
Steven - I think Chance is cleaning up his code :lol:

Yeah i had to clean up some dirty language in my code haha its back up now though.

User 193638 Photo

Registered User
557 posts

just be glad it was us that saw the "dirty" code and not a customer.
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

LOL, because customers are always checking your code. :)
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!

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