What were you able to make using...

User 130978 Photo

3,025 posts

Thanks Per....now I see that. Yes, the image is quite large in the background. It was slow-loading for me and I am on a high-speed connection. Resize that...or perhaps break them up into smaller ("h" x "w") images for various segments of the site (and still reduced). I can now see the facebook plugin on the contact page :) Perhaps when you posted the site a week or so back that white background was simply not showing for me due to page load time? But that part is much, much easier to read with the solid white :)

Also, is there some setting in the s-drive to A) retain the domain name as the url and B) allow the www. in the address? Again, not being terribly familiar with s-drive, I am not the one to answer, but seems to me these would be things to consider for your own branding if nothing else.

User 130978 Photo

3,025 posts

Chance, you might want to check the setting for your page titles, too. I am sure it was to say Brunswick, but the title on the Contact, Services and Gallery pages has been truncated to " ick Auto & Truck Accessories Inc. " Pretty sure that is not your intent :)

Thought when I was preparing to close my browser tab that I had landed on some "brand" page (hey, people name their stuff some pretty silly things sometimes...so there could be a truck part called "ick" - giggles)
User 2146019 Photo

Registered User
58 posts

Thanks for all of your feedback im trying to resolve all of these issues. Sorry about the bad liink i didnt test it out when i made the post :/ .As for the background image would saving it in a different format or anything along those lines help with the file size? I created this site using coffee cup visual site designer and have always had some issues with background sizing any tips would be much appreciated i still have much to learn!

User 126492 Photo

1,524 posts

If you convert the image to .jpg and set the quality to around "85" it should reduce the file size to around 300k, that is still quite large for anyone on a slow connection.
User 219465 Photo

Registered User
324 posts

I am designing a website for a friend who has a diner. I want to create a menu similar to what the grocery stores use for their weekly fliers, interactive so when you go from page to page they 'curl' like you are turning the actual flier. Is there ant CC software that can do this?

User 130978 Photo

3,025 posts

Marc Nevue wrote:
I am designing a website for a friend who has a diner. I want to create a menu similar to what the grocery stores use for their weekly fliers, interactive so when you go from page to page they 'curl' like you are turning the actual flier. Is there ant CC software that can do this?


Marc, I think what you are looking for is a flash "catalog". CC does not have anything like this now (but a good idea...hint, hint....)

There is a program I looked at a while back by NCESoft, but I have to admit, trial ran out before I had a chance to give it a good spin. Google "Flip Book Maker" and there are a few out there....but that would be a good one to request from CC.


PS....this might fit better in software suggestions. I am not certain how to move threads...
User 219465 Photo

Registered User
324 posts

I put the same post in the Suggestions For New Software Forum. Thanks for the advise :)
User 1870919 Photo

Registered User
61 posts

I use VSD quite a bit. I just created a website for a client and have tested it in 2 different versions of IE, and one version each of Opera, Safari, FF and Google Chrome. I have seen no problems. However, I had a friend look at it on her computer using IE7 (I think) and she could not see the video and the page was all out of proportion. I was wondering, could someone look at the site and tell me if it looks like there are any problems? I don't want the client to see it until I am sure. The URL is websbycheryl.com/testone
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,218 posts

Looks good in FX 5 and IE 9.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 130978 Photo

3,025 posts

Cheryl Davidson wrote:
I use VSD quite a bit. I just created a website for a client and have tested it in 2 different versions of IE, and one version each of Opera, Safari, FF and Google Chrome. I have seen no problems. However, I had a friend look at it on her computer using IE7 (I think) and she could not see the video and the page was all out of proportion. I was wondering, could someone look at the site and tell me if it looks like there are any problems? I don't want the client to see it until I am sure. The URL is websbycheryl.com/testone

LOL...I opened it and had to explain to my husband what I was looking at!!! Seriously, there is a great little app called IETester that I often use to compare sites in every mind-altering, mood-shifting version fickle IE has to offer up:



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