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User 2276240 Photo

Registered User
194 posts

Melanie that did it and you are correct I have images that must be on the left side. Now I need to add this to each page and wait until the issue with S-Drive is corrected. Thank you very much all of you. I need to get a good book on HTML5 and CSS that is not written to real code experts, but more to a beginner.
User 130978 Photo

3,025 posts

One great way to learn about HTML5 - or XHTML for that matter - is to use something like the Firefox Web Developer Add-On. This adds a menu to your toolbar and the "Tools" tab sends your page with one click to the W3C validator...when you get an error, follow their guidelines to fix it...doing is learning :)

I am loving HTML 5 and CSS3 (wish they'd get that rotating text bit to work cross browser, though, could have used it the other day in a data table).

You might also play a bit with "includes" php or shtml so you are not having to update multiple files when one change is made. You can have a header and a footer for each page named something as simple as header.php and footer.php and have all of the header or footer bits in those files and simply include them in the page. This is much easier if you later need to make a change to the site as only one file needs to be updated :) Been a while since I used shtml and not all servers support all methods...but if you use a php include, name the main files with a php extension (ie index.php) and where you want the header to go, insert it like so:


User 126492 Photo

1,524 posts


Depeneding on what type of server and which version of php it uses, you don't have to give all your main files the .php extension.

Most Linux hosting using Cpanel now have an icon for "Apache Application Handler" here you can tell your server to read .html files as .php files, then you can use "php includes" as normal.

If your server uses .htaccess files you can add a line which does the same as above ie:

For php5 add this line:-

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .html .htm

For earlier versions of php add this line:-

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .html .htm


I started using 'php iclude' on my own site and adding the line to the .htaccess file did not work, I contacted the Support team and they said my server was already configured so I didn't need to add any lines.
User 2276240 Photo

Registered User
194 posts

Thanks to all with you help I was able to tweaked the site and get the items mentioned corrected. It does look a lot better with the logo centered and also the menu bar. I cannot say how great this site is and how helpful everyone is. I learn something new everyday. One of these days maybe I will be one that is helping others. I still have a lot to learn.
Again thanks.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,218 posts

I liked it when the "The Great American Sports Car" was shifted to the right a little. Kinda gives the illusion movement or speed.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2276240 Photo

Registered User
194 posts

You may have a point and that can be done by simply making a new title with that portion shifter to the right, but still having the overall title centered. I may play around with it tomorrow, as I am getting ready to leave the house and when I get back it will be to late (well it is never to late) to work on it. Thanks again for the input and the use of your slide show.
User 130978 Photo

3,025 posts

Jim Cantrell wrote:

Depeneding on what type of server and which version of php it uses, you don't have to give all your main files the .php extension.....


Good stuff...learn something new every day :)

User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

I am working on the php to use Web Form Builder to create the form to allow a customer to order an item online.
It is about 90% finished. In a week I am after a couple of beta testers. Obviously must have WFB and to keep us on the same page VSD as well.
The form is basic and Radio buttons are used to indicate item choice. I am creating this for my use as I sell software and I like the form interface. Initially it will cater for 4 items. It is not intended as a shop set up. If I wanted that I would run with CC's Shop Creator. But for couple of items, that for me is overkill.
I am looking for a professional looking system and I believe WFB will deliver that for me.

How it will work.
The page with form will load, this will trigger a php program that will look for a change to the Results.csv file. This will fill if the form is submitted. The last entry will be stripped off, The item will be recorded based on the php file that will be editable to suit. The details will be inserted into the html section and sent to Paypal.
At this point the customer can cancel the transaction or proceed and be directed to the appropriate page either success or failure. Some of the editable details required.

So if anyone wants to beta test this contact me via my site http://inkmon.org/contact.html

This will possibly be a tempory arrangement as maybe it may be a feature added in the future by CC.
I will make the system available to anyone when finished.

I have just about abandoned all other forms of Web Site design and modification in favour of the CC products. They are so flexible and open ended.
The Guy from OZ

User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

Well the Beta version is ready. So I shall see who is interested
The Guy from OZ

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

I don't use VSD Prism, but, isn't that what CC is adding to their software already? Granted it's not in there yet, but it's planned to be. Just wondering why you'd work on something that will be already done at some point unless it's something you absolutely need right now of course :)

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