What were you able to make using...

User 2274185 Photo

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48 posts

Updated the theme and made some new pages.. still STILL working on it. lol People are just a bit slow getting me information to input on all pages.


also our sister company:
Started 9/8/2011 www.flsi.us
User 403435 Photo

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199 posts

Still working on it.....http://www.sfmulch.com.
User 403435 Photo

Registered User
199 posts

Sorry, guess I didn't write that right. http://www.sfmulch.com Thanks for looking. Comments are welcome.
User 2069800 Photo

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User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Nice site Kelly, so much info and very nicely setup!
User 2398549 Photo

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7 posts

Actually just started working with VSD and noticed this must have been fixed in the current version as there is a Alt tag for advanced text now. My site is currently all Flash and used wix.com to make it originally and it has worked alright for the time being but really wish I had done it the correct way with HTML to begin with, as IPAD's and Iphones don't support Flash websites and having accessed my site from a slower connection really I knew I needed to redo it, to make everything load faster. Really enjoying the ease of use of the VSD.
User 732206 Photo

Registered User
107 posts

Here is what I am working on these days...

What to change on this site? Any ideas?


I am using Web Editor on a Mac to re-write it, because it was designed with Photoshop by the previous designer, and when I began to make updates on the site, it became harder and harder to do. For example, the menu items are images, so I can't add a menu item easily. And there are too many slices in the header. And the images on the side are grouped in a single image. So I can't change only one image or add a new one without doing more work than necessarly. See what I mean?

Now, I'm not a pro designer, I learn by reading and doing. But I don't need a step-by-step instruction to do it. If I could just get a few ideas, it would be cool.

I already changed the header logo to a background image.

What I am trying to do right now is find the best menu to replace the old one. I have a couple that I like right now, one with buttons, one without.

Next will be the framework.

I will post my own tries a bit later, but until then, I welcome any suggestions.

Btw, it is a kind of WIP with Web Editor. So that's why I posted this. It's a kind of how-to make a look alike from Photoshop to Web Editor.


User 2438827 Photo

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26 posts

Can anyone advise me on this question please?

Using VSD I would like to know how do I make an email address open a user's default email app?

In case anyone is interested I have just built (building) http://deathwatchbeetle.net. It intended to promote my new novel being funded on Kickstarter.com. The project is approved but I not yet launched it as my website is not yet finished to my satisfaction.

I would value constructive comments or suggestions.

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

David Huntley wrote:
Can anyone advise me on this question please?

Using VSD I would like to know how do I make an email address open a user's default email app?

In case anyone is interested I have just built (building) http://deathwatchbeetle.net. It intended to promote my new novel being funded on Kickstarter.com. The project is approved but I not yet launched it as my website is not yet finished to my satisfaction.

I would value constructive comments or suggestions.

You can do that under the Link Toolbar icon. Just add some text like me@you.com and then highlight that and then click the Link Toolbar Icon.

Once thing to note that anyone who uses a Web based email client, that link will do nothing. Only people who use software for their email can use that. For that reason, you should use a contact form instead and for that, Web Form Builder is the best way to go. ;)
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 1854541 Photo

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34 posts

A colleague asked me to redesign his old site at http://whitebearanimalhospital.com/ (pulling the plug on it soon).

Neither of us are schooled in web design...I'm sure it shows.:P

But, udaunted, I whipped out my trusty CC HTML Editor and and came up with this:

I had him sign up for his own S-Drive account and pick up a few pieces of CC Software...including Web Form Designer, so he can maintain it himself since CC is so intuitive and easy to use.
I'm particulary proud of these pages:

http://wbah.coffeecup.com/clients/pet-m … rials.html
Used the Web Form Designer to create the "Click here to submit the information" form. The built in colorbox pop-up setting was sheer genius by the Overlords at the CC dedign team. My friend can then simply get the info off the S-Drive to add to his Site.

http://wbah.coffeecup.com/clients/pet-m … stmem.html
I saw the jQuery ListNav Plugin on another site, looked at their source and figured out how to use it (it's still PFM to me how it works and I don't care, it's so cool!), I found the script for it at http://www.ihwy.com/Labs/jquery-listnav-plugin.aspx and set it up for this page. I set up the thumbs to display using a lightbox javascript I found somewhere online too.

http://wbah.coffeecup.com/resources-and … faq-2.html
I love the Accordian Javascript to display the FAQ's in a fun way.I think I got it off DynamicDrive.com. I tweaked the puppy and kitten graphics to add the speech bubbles for visual interest. :lol:

We've set up the S-Drive Stream as a "What's New" page he can updae right from the Vet clinic and made liberal use of the CC S-Drive albums and will be using the CC Photo Gallery to easily upload other albums as soon.

To make a short story, long, if you're NOT using CC Software, you're like a dog eating cat turds.;)
Randy Patrick
"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do. " ~ Edward Everett Hale

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