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User 113159 Photo

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Daina Baer wrote:

The code is broken in the top now + when visited using a Nexus 7, Chrome, vertical view, the footer covers the content

User 1948478 Photo

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1,850 posts

Samuel Vanneste wrote:
Daina Baer wrote:

The code is broken in the top now + when visited using a Nexus 7, Chrome, vertical view, the footer covers the content

When you copied the code for Statcounter, you missed these bits in the very beginning:
<script type="text/javascript">

You may want to go back to the Statcounter page and copy the complete code block again and reinsert it.
Also, I seem to remember that Statcounter recommends that you place their code at the very end of the page code, just before the </body> tag. You have the code in the very beginning instead. Not sure what effect this may have.
User 153928 Photo

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123 posts

Working on a site for my in-laws ministry.
Coming along nicely! Largely in Fijian which I don't really understand... lots of copy/paste ;)
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Very nice looking site Robbie! Couple of things though...the text at the bottom, in the Change Log', is a bit light and hard to read. On the Bible Series Page your CSH graphic is repeated and has light text overlapping it and I couldn't make it out at all. Didn't have a chance to look over the entire site but what I saw is looking pretty good. Just tweak a few spots and I think you'll have an outstanding site. Good luck with it!
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 153928 Photo

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123 posts

Thanks for the feedback Gunsmoke! I think that was one of my first pages I did & since then widened the elements across all pages which threw it out - didn't even realise that had happened... certainly wasn't like that last time i saw it! Some other weird things going on there that need adjusting... thanks too for pointing out the light text. It's great having an expert eye looking over things!
If I can get the kids to bed early enough I'll look into getting those adjustments made tonight. Working on their site has been pretty good in helping solve a few of the issues I had with my own site which I'll get back to at some time...
User 153928 Photo

Registered User
123 posts

Got the issues sorted & even got the youtube videos lined up with the tv screens - http://www.the-voice-in-the-wilderness. … media.html - thanks again GS for pointing them out.
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Looks good Robbie. Much better! Still notice on your Contact Us page, the footer info is missing. :D
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 153928 Photo

Registered User
123 posts

No, that's leftover coding that hasn't been cleared out. Haven't gotten to all the pages yet to make them like the footer on the home page... just one of things I'm still to get done. Still need to work out what I'm going to put in the footer area. Cheers.
User 153928 Photo

Registered User
123 posts

Been quiet here...
Just working on a redesign - http://www.the-voice-in-the-wilderness.com/test4.html
You can see the difference between this & the original home page. Gets the thumbs-up from Miss 10

... and yes it's not finished yet. Just the end of a long day playing with Indesign & Photoshop & about 10 minutes of coding
User 2273654 Photo

Registered User
766 posts

It looks very good, I checked it on my huge 32" monitor for to see if it shrank with a shrinking browser and it did not. Since you are re-designing why not go responsive?
My CC S-drive site https://workhorsepainting.com

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