What were you able to make using...

User 153928 Photo

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32"... you are making me jealous Greg! Though I'm happy with my twin 27"s.
I haven't seen any emails from Coffeecup re the new responsive program thing... is it available yet?
I'll ease myself into that I think when it does come around.

Just looking at some of the other posts re getting started on the responsive thing - Eric suggests getting a theme & modify - any recommendations on which theme would be best to start on?
User 2484360 Photo

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Not yet! But soon... :) If you join the Responsive Program you will receive access to the program first! :)
User 153928 Photo

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123 posts

Thanks for reminding me Adam!
I was going to go in & buy the Menu creator for $69 but for $100 I get the lot... I note that the membership is good for 3 months & the R-Layout program was due out (maybe wishfully) in the week of Sept 9. If I do get the membership is it likely to be out in 3 months & 1 day? ;)

One challenge I foresee for responsive is that a couple of the pages rely on scans of text - http://www.the-voice-in-the-wilderness.com/lesson.html & the devotional page. Ideally I could OCR them but spell-checking would be a right royal pain given that I don't know the language...
User 2273654 Photo

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I bought one of the html responsive themes and am adapting it to my site for a rebuild. Is the first time i am using the html editor so it is going slow. Seems to be working though. My site is very complicated and that makes it difficult to remake it. I am enjoying great SEO so I am hesitant to put up a new site that may not get as much traffic. I am having to learn how to get all of the alternate image labels and keywords and such. still learning that stuff.
Its 21 pg's or more. has the blog on each pg. has lots of illustrative slide shows. Is proving to be a real challenge. The 32"monitor is a television that i am using as a monitor seems big monitors are so very expensive and big TV's not so much.
My CC S-drive site https://workhorsepainting.com
User 153928 Photo

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123 posts

Nice work on your site too Greg! Florida (minus the storms) looks like a nice place.
I'm pretty keen to check out the whole responsive stuff too but it will take a little time.
User 153928 Photo

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Reviving my own website - not moving far from the style of my in-laws website. It's just easier & I like the look.
A little more focus on more information on the home page rather than having people click to another page for the main purpose of the website I think it's a good idea & was lacking previously. Little way to go but I'm happy with the direction.
Link in my signature.
User 603315 Photo

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I've been updating my site a little bit at http://nbdesigns.me.uk most of the stuff on there is done with CC HTML editor, which is still an amazing program in my view. I still need to make it responsive as it seems this is the way to go, so more coding is needed on it.
User 187934 Photo

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The site looks good. I see a shift in all the content in the home page.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 603315 Photo

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938 posts

Eric Rohloff wrote:
The site looks good. I see a shift in all the content in the home page.:)

Don't look at it too closely Eric LOL
User 603315 Photo

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938 posts

I made this site with CC HTML Editor and CC Image Mapper. This is a very old site, but the former hosting service have been a pain, so I've transferred it over to a one I use a lot. This for me is a just a hobby site, and most of the programs when you look at the code, if you do, you can see it's from a million years old :P I've done dozens and dozens of programs over the years, lost many of them because I'm disorganized but these have survived. When I was learning "web design" on a course I did, it actually turned out to be more of a web programming course and I made lottery games, hangman, form validation etc etc. It's at http://dhtmlrocks.co.uk DHTML as some of you will know was notorious for cross browser problems. I've got a submarine commander game in Alpha stage, when I can be bothered.

I know the term DHTML has basically died now, I wonder what you guys think of my theory that HTML5 driven by Javascript is just basically old wine in new bottles of a sort and should that really be called DHTML??

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