alt text

User 458539 Photo

Registered User
1,632 posts

I usually include alt text but had to rush a project and did not do it yet. I was always told that alt text can help (slightly) your SEO. But I ran a scan of the site (with no alt text on the pics) and nothing was mentioned.

Does alt text affect your ranking at all?


User 2088758 Photo

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3,109 posts

I don't believe it has a huge impact on your SEO however it should be used whenever you can. I know its very important to anyone that is visually impaired and using accessibility programs. It will actually read your alt tags of images to them so be sure you use them correctly.
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User 10077 Photo

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If your web site is for a government organization, alt text is pretty important. They require that sites be accessible and, therefore, alt tags are necessary.

Other than that, it is supposed to help with SEO somewhat. To what extent, I don't know.
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User 458539 Photo

Registered User
1,632 posts

Thanks guys - was curious


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