Search Visibility, Design Elements

User 1869666 Photo

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229 posts

Just installed and ran my first Website Insight report and when I checked Search Visibility, Design Elements all the text runs together and is unreadable. I tried downloading the program and reinstalling but had the same results. Same is true for Search & Visitor Friendliness. I'm attaching part of a screen shot as an example. Any ideas what to do?
User 122279 Photo

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14,594 posts

Which version of Insight do you have? and is it for Windows or Mac?
I have the latest windows 4.0 beta, and the 4.1 full version, and they both work well. Haven't tested the Mac version.
If you can't get it sorted, better open a support ticket, so that the CC pros can sort you out.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2765857 Photo

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614 posts

Hello I had a similar problem and Scott said to check the font settings DPI and he was right mine I had set to 125% after bringing down to 100% everything was good in Insight. If I am wrong as Inger stated open a support ticket the support here is great and they go above and beyond to help.
Ray aka Kreations
Since 1994 Chocolate bar wrappers for all occasions.
Since 1972 helping clients help "Discover Their Dream Vacation"
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,594 posts

Thanks for posting, Ray! I didn't think of the font settings. I guess you'right.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2765857 Photo

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614 posts

Inger wrote:
Thanks for posting, Ray! I didn't think of the font settings. I guess you'right.

Hello Inger, I saw the post and similar to what I experienced so hoping that is all the problem is, mine is on a PC so not sure also if same for a Mac??
Sending a private email later this afternoon.
Ray aka Kreations
Since 1994 Chocolate bar wrappers for all occasions.
Since 1972 helping clients help "Discover Their Dream Vacation"
User 1869666 Photo

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229 posts

I have the latest Windows version, 4.1 Build 399. After changing to 100% the text is no longer scrambled. Thank you Ray!

I think I'll go back to Suggestions and ask for darker text. At this size it's a strain on my eyes.
User 2765857 Photo

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614 posts

Carolyn Borjon wrote:
I have the latest Windows version, 4.1 Build 399. After changing to 100% the text is no longer scrambled. Thank you Ray!

I think I'll go back to Suggestions and ask for darker text. At this size it's a strain on my eyes.

Hello Carolyn,
I also experimented after setting to 100% and now keep my DPI set to 115% and it seems to work ok ( for me) hope this also helps you.
Ray aka Kreations
Since 1994 Chocolate bar wrappers for all occasions.
Since 1972 helping clients help "Discover Their Dream Vacation"
User 1869666 Photo

Registered User
229 posts

Ray, I tried 115 but the Insight text scrambled again so I went to 110 and it's good now. Also my other apps are a better size. I think this is going to work! Thank you.
User 2765857 Photo

Registered User
614 posts

Carolyn Borjon wrote:
Ray, I tried 115 but the Insight text scrambled again so I went to 110 and it's good now. Also my other apps are a better size. I think this is going to work! Thank you.

Good to hear it is good for you now. I am not computer savvy as so many experts here and would think the monitor screen size makes a difference also when changing that setting. Have a great day where ever you are.
Ray aka Kreations
Since 1994 Chocolate bar wrappers for all occasions.
Since 1972 helping clients help "Discover Their Dream Vacation"

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