3 languages in one web page - Page 2...

User 2383063 Photo

8 posts

I know that this maybe will sounds rude to some of you that have tried to "help" me.

If you do not know what you are talking about then why do you feel it is necessary to take up other peoples time?
Some of you seems to not even bothered to read and understand what I have written, or is my english so poor?

If you are in this forum to help, then help and don´t just waste other peoples time with writing nonsense.
User 2073552 Photo

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1,625 posts


I am not sure who you are referring too. But from what I see there is only one post on this thread that was not informative to your situation. And it is not life or death if someone posts something that is not helpful.

As to your question... I believe I have answered the question as to why you are unable to see the Russian Text in the Editor. When I look in C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\CoffeeCup Software I do not see the Russian language listed. Which means the Editor does not know what the text you are typing is...

Is this not the question you needed answered? Or have I misunderstood your problem?
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does."

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User 2383063 Photo

8 posts

I am using Windows 7 64-bit so my paths seems to be a little different from yours.
C:\Program Files (x86)\CoffeeCup Software\CoffeeCup Free HTML Editor\Help

What file do you refere to that does not list russian language?
I have a EditorHelp.pdf in the directory written above that has following text:

Select your preferred character set from this drop-down list. A character set is the set of characters
available to be used in your code and on your website. For example, if you want to create a website
using Cyrillic, that would use a different character set than a website that used the Latin alphabet.

From that I guess that cyrillic characters could be used, or am I wrong here?
User 2073552 Photo

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1,625 posts

I am using Windows 7 64 bit as well... So it should not be different then mine.

When was the last time you updated the Free Version?

Personally I would suggest you buy the paid version.

"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does."

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User 2073552 Photo

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1,625 posts

And the file should be a .adm file type. But there is no Russian.adm file listed.
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does."

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User 122279 Photo

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Carl, I don't think you can write Cyrillic letters just like that in the Editor, not even with the paid version. I'm working on a site in Turkish right now, and if I use Turkish characters directly, even in utf-8, they also come out as question marks - or worse. What I'm doing is writing the html entities, like ç İ Ş etc, and when previewing, the letters come out as they are supposed to.

I have seen though, still about Turkish characters, that some people can use them as they come, but that must be with some other site building programme. I'm sure there are such programmes out there that can be used for Cyrillic too, but unfortunately I don't know which.

I guess you'll have some googling to do... ;)
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 2383063 Photo

8 posts

That was helpful information, takk Inger!

Up to this time I have made all HTML changes in the HTML editor, saved the file and then opened the file in the simple text editor Notepad and pasted in the cyrillic characters. The result looks ok for me but how it looks for foreign users I have no idea.


User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

Hmm! I did offer some information Carl Maybe not understandable by your thinking process. Chrome gave me a chance to read a foreign Language in English. I think you missed the implication.

Thinking straight ahead sometimes allows you to miss the possibilities that surround you. Exploring that plugin a bit tells me that it can be set for a page site. So if that is so then the site could be set to display in any language it supports. A landing page with flags of supported countries could direct a visitor to the appropriate set of pages.
Will it work, I have absolutely no idea and will not spend any more time now exploring it as I do not need it. I have spent half my life solving problems by widening my paradigm. Solutions are not always the ones you would prefer.

You said that The Free editor could not handle Cyrillic letters. Fact of Life. Shame on it.

I tell you what I will do I shall ask a Russian mate of mine in St Petersburg and ask him his advice. I am interested now. I will send him a page in English and see if I can force it to display in Russian. Forums are great the more you are member of the more you learn. Another project for the list.

Can't help myself, for what its worth http://www.microsoft.com/web/solutions/mstranslator.aspx
I am interested as it opens up a possible whole new world of advertising, even Chinese. That is my tack
The Guy from OZ

User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

I visited the Microsoft site, Signed up for MS Live ID and got a translator widget. Trialed it and it works well.
But buttons do not change. I haven't tried text links. Still it is one way to have one site in English to suit many languages (30). I will put this away for later. Converting to Russian seemed ok. I will get my mate to check if there are any translation faults. Take a while as I am in a different time zone.

So fellow forum peeps this definatly is one method to offer your content to the world Then you knew that didn't you
The Guy from OZ

User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

My Russian mate says the translation was good but he would have stated it differently. I may play with it some more. Does have a downside, even though it is possible to set a language so even though it translates automatically there is the widget being displayed. Works for me, One site in one language 30 translations.

Anyway Carl me ole mate all I offer is an alternative not the solution you apparently seek. I do wish you success in what you do achieve. I think though I have done this to death so I will go in peace.
The Guy from OZ

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