Can this be done?... - Page 1 - Post...

User 2145329 Photo

6 posts

Im looking at the potential of Coffee Cup, but i need to know if a certain feature is available...

I've been asked to build a site for an estate agent & they need a page that they can add
a photo & some brief text for each property (without the need for any web software)

I am currently using XSite & unfortunately this is not a feature available.

User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,566 posts

If the company wants to edit the contents online. a CMS is what you need. CoffeeCup has no cms at this time, but it is possible to create a site with the HTML Editor and afterwards turn it into a cms by the use of php and mysql.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 282670 Photo

Registered User
3,940 posts

Inger makes a great suggestion. I use

User 2145329 Photo

6 posts

hi thanks for the quick replies,

This my sound sad but it seems a bit over my head at present.

Im a new comer to web design in a lot of aspects, i have used a few platforms,
but my expertise is graphic design more so, i have built a nice site for him but
i don't want to have to edit it on a weekly basis for him :(
User 282670 Photo

Registered User
3,940 posts

Well basically Steve all you would need to do is make them a MySQL database, (give them the info like log in-username and password) copy the certain code of which the image and text , then they can just sign in and replace that image and text in the CMS and not have to add anything into the page itself. Hope I explained that right! :)

User 2145329 Photo

6 posts

Thanks alot for your help.

I don't want to be a quitter but even though you have made it clearer for me im
afraid its probably a project i will abandon as i dont have the time to delve to deep
into the web design world, i have enough running my printing business!

I was only doing it to help the guy out as i have designed his whole corporate
identity & produce a lot of his printing, this was something i don't usually offer
but he insisted lol
I thought it would be a nice change, i usually only do my own stuff so i've never
had an issue before, i've been using XSite for its ease of use but it has no cms
feature, I tried wordpress but found it very limited on design / features.

Thanks anyway guys i really appreciate your time, sorry to mess you about!
User 282670 Photo

Registered User
3,940 posts

Well the only other option I would think would be to send them the website and have them do the editing themselves and upload the changes I'm sure you knew that. Well best of luck Steve

User 2145329 Photo

6 posts

aye that was the first thing i thought of but i don't think they want to go that deep
plus they don't want to buy software, you know customers they want everything
their way :)
User 282670 Photo

Registered User
3,940 posts

lol I know what you mean!

User 539803 Photo

Registered User
2,156 posts

Have you thought of using Visual site designer, and creating a template for a new page

Then they could add a new page themselves by duplicating your template page, only takes a second

Drag and drop in a new picture, and edit the text

its own built in ftp will do the rest for them

if you have not tried VSD its worth a free trial download and its not going to cost them much at all if it works for them

template i made for a friend here … nsue1.html (need not be a photogallery like mine just an image or two)

Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner

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