Inline Images - Page 2 - Post ID 272139

User 2800147 Photo

Registered User
68 posts


I have the same issue with my images not being indexed. Using alt tags - no slideshow.

What other steps can I take, to ensure that the images are indexed by Google?

Thank you.

User 244626 Photo

Registered User
811 posts

It seems like its a choice of going with performance over visibility. There are a few options available like changing my Orbit Slideshow to Magnif Gallery which I like better, or using something called opengraph for general page images.

Am I missing something here ?

I have never put major emphasis on SEO because I drive traffic to my website by Google Adwords and Bing which puts me on page one but when people search for images I sell I am nowhere to be found ?
Bootstrap 5 CSS Grid.

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