Introduce Yourself - Page 2 - Post ID...

User 469745 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

I've been off & on with the CC forum for a couple of years now. So I'm not realy "new". I have in the past, been able to post on the board - but not today - hum... Except on this thread.

I first found CC while looking for a WYSIWYG program - to replace Dreamweaver. I know some total geeks who would die for DW, me - eh? See, I'm not a real computer geek, some of my friends just happen to think I am, because I build websites. Nothing fancy, mind you - but most of them only know how to read mail, surf and go on facebook. They marvel at my work - ha ha. Like the "Mother of All", my first site was out of necessity. I liked doing it so I did more, mostly for family - ie;free - ha - but have actually picked up a few paying jobs. Somewhere in the Breakroom, there is a thread questioning the "size" of things at CC. The responses are everything from CC is "Texas Size" to it's a "cartoony" "home/comfy" place. THAT is exactly what drew me the non-geek - geek to CC. I fell hook line & sinker for the look!! It is kinda cartoony - like Mickey & Minnie's homes in Orlando :) And it seems like most folks on the boards are pretty friendly too!

Well, much to my dismay my first attempt at the CC webbuilder didn't go so well. After FOUR hours on the phone with HP tech support - trying to figure out why my brand new (now 3 years old) computer kept crashing; one call to CC, the tech right away said - "That program does not work with Vista 64 bit". I was somewhat relieved that our new computer wasn't a lemon - BUT deeply saddened, so long cartoony world :(

Back to searching for a web building program that would work with our OS. Some time later, I did find one - it's looks bland, but serves it's purpose. Until once every six months or so, an update will have me pulling my hair out. I always find myself coming back to CC - - hoping there will be a WYSIWYG that works with my OS.

Did I mention, I have NO computer training, unless that DOS class I took back in 1986 counts? I'm pretty stubborn, when I want something done, it may take some time, but generally I can figure out most snags I run into. Hence the reason for so few posts :) To date, I have built 20 websites and do regular updates - usually monthly - on about 8 to 10 of them. Coffee Cup FTP is the only ftp program I have ever used. YES, it worked great with the 64 bit Vista system :) Recently, I gifted myself with a laptop - purchased with the proceeds of one of the websites I built :) I was hoping to stay with Vista 64, as it had become "homey" to me. No such luck! The new machine is a Windows 7 and yes 64 bit. Wanting to take my work on the road - or at least in the back yard, I just loaded the free FTP on the new laptop today. At the moment, I am only able to connect to half of my sites, yes they are all on the same server & yes they are all passive. Oh well, such is life...

I am married, of course to a wonderful man - otherwise, why bother ;) We have two dogs and two birds - we're both too old for kids. Other than build websites, we have an animal relocation service - that's our "fun" job. Hubby is a bluegrass musician with four gigs a week - that's when I have my "alone" time on the computer :)

My CC dream - a WYSIWYG program that has all of the "goodies" and works with Windows Vista 64 bit and now Windows 7, 64 bit :)

User 244141 Photo

1,209 posts

I'm a small town boy from Omaha Nebraska working CC's nerves for years. Some strange mix of a geek and a man-child,..but still a web professional with high standards, I draw experience from these forums, and sometimes just a good place to go and chat.

Welcome to everyone that is joining the forum. Working with Coffeecup is one of the best experiences I have ever had in the web world, and I'm sure you will enjoy the same. :)

There's some really good people on this forum, and many started as you and I did, as to say at the 'grass roots'.

If you are a professional at web design, they have a great section specifically for HTML questions, and they find answers.

Visit the iwebgorilla blog in my sig, and it has more about my story with Coffeecup, and what really nice people they are.
Web Design:
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC

User 2015813 Photo

Registered User
23 posts

My Turn, lol

Chad Warford here, I have been using Coffeecup HTML Editor since 1998 and have loved every minute of it. I started teaching myself html and now code in html, xml, css, xhtml, dhtml, php, asp, and love flash animating in flash as well as swish.

About a year ago I registered my own design cmopany and have been working from home while taking care of my baby boy. He is my muse if you will. When I run out of creative juice I just go play with him, and I have an imagination of a tyke all over again, haha.

I love to design, I love coffeecup, and look forward to hopefully beta testing a few more items, I enjoyed that run on the html editor, and is cool to have a say in what you want out of your software, this is something others don't seem to offer, I guess that is why you rock coffee cup.

Thanks for all you have all done for us all.

wow 3 all's and still a proper sentence, hahaha

btw have you ever noticed that when lol is incorporated with the ___ it looks like someone drowning, for instance here is a scene from the titanic


Just had to share that one, lol
Chad Warford
Warford Designs

"inventing the web involved my growing realization that there was power in arranging ideas in an unconstrained, web-like way..."

Tim Berners-Lee
User 232174 Photo

Registered User
4 posts


Paul Lewis here from Sunny Sydney "Downunder"

I am the president of Paws 'n' Hooves Animal Rescue ( and more
recently, I have been active trying to promote vaccination of pets (particularly vaccination of dogs against Parvovirus) as I am so frustrated seeing so many beautiful dogs and puppies suffering and sadly, in many cases dying because their owners either don't know or just dont care !

You can check out my latest effort at

Thanks to Coffee Cup for making it so easy !


User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,509 posts

Welcome, Paul! Your site doesn't load, though. It gets times out.


Now, a couple of hours later, it loads fine.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Inger. It loaded for me just fine earlier but now it won't do that. I wonder why.
User 148353 Photo

808 posts

It loaded just fine for me.
"Time heals everything. Know who said that? My Latin teacher at barber college!"
- Floyd Lawson

Widoktadwat - "Plays Well With Others"

User 92156 Photo

Registered User
272 posts

I live in Darwin in the tropical part of Australia's Northern Territory.

In the late sixties my interest in electronics deepened when I noticed a calculator on a businessman's desk while I was repairing his magneto telephone.
It was a cutting edge device, a big beast plugged into the mains with basic calculator functions and a nixie tube display (, wow!
In those days non-mainframe computers were chiefly hobbyists toys and usually built from scratch using instructions in an electronics magazine; my first store-bought computer was a tiny Sinclair ZX80
( with 1kb of RAM, a B&W TV display and cassette recorder for loading & saving programs.
Since then I've gone through several PC's (never went the Mac route, too expensive for me), and learned to program in Basic, Pascal and C++.

I left the telecommunications industry in 1990, lovely timing (not) because Australia entered a deep recession and I couldn't get a job in the IT industry.
I washed motorbikes at a motorbike shop for $A5/hr for a while then graduated to selling Harleys to faux bikies decorated in tatts & leather, and large capacity used Japanese bikes to Japanese tourists who then arranged to have them crated & sent back to Japan (!).

I decided to try driving instruction and discovered a natural aptitude, I get a lot of satisfaction from it, especially when dealing with disabled people but the money is poor, keeping 2 cars on the road and the regulators happy is very expensive!
Please send donations, food or socks to: "".

My interest in electronics has waned but I still like the programming part of computing.
I haven't touched C++ etc in years but occasionally knock up a quick program with JavaScript to run in a browser e.g. to help solve a type of crossword puzzle, or to parse & format raw data from my HTML-based forms (before I discovered CC Form Builder).
I built my first site using CC Editor 1997, it used 100% table layout and looked hokey with thick bevelled cell borders (ugh!) but I thought it was cool back then.
I happily used CC Editor for years until recently when I bought the latest version (didn't know about the free upgrades), I also have Sitemapper, Form Builder, 4 of the PDFs and will be purchasing Website Search shortly - all great value.

The Northern Territory ranges from arid desert to wet tropical, very picturesque with great scenery and wildlife (we export camels to Arabia).
Some of the wildlife is deadly though - apart from such things as snakes, UFOs and local drivers the beaches are dangerous for swimming because of deadly box-jellyfish and large saltwater crocodiles.
Darwin is a strange place to live in, it's a small, remote frontier city with a touch of redneck but also very open and friendly with a very relaxed attitude to life, and the economy is always buoyant.
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Great to learn a bit more about names which many of us have seen around for some time - and about the newcomers too.Thanks for sharing!
User 2096646 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

Hello - my name is Adam. I'm from Florida. My mom was once known as Patricia Scot, and she had a really interesting career in music, radio & television. She retired from all that to raise me, and I have spent the last four months gathering and presenting artifacts of the amazing life she led. Please visit Please forward the site to anyone you think might be interested in this era of entertainment.

I have poured my heart & soul into the site and I am very proud of it. 4 months ago I couldn't even spell "website" (is it one word or two??),and look at what I was able to accomplish using the coffeecup software. Many thanks to the coffeecup developers and designers for allowing me to put together this lasting tribute to my mom. I hope you like it.
Adam Pace

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