Introduce Yourself - Page 22 - Post...

User 2200456 Photo

Registered User
13 posts

Right. Now that I’ve finally recovered from all the excitement of the Egg Hunt I think I might be ready to introduce myself:

I’m Dawn and I’ve been lurking and loitering around the CC forums for over a year now, picking up all the fabulous tips and info that everyone very generously shares.

I’m from the UK and for the past 4 years have been living in Jersey (that’s “old” Jersey, not New Jersey), a small and sunny island measuring only 9 miles by 5, not far from the coast of France. It’s an ace place to bring up kids, and my 3 love it here – all the sandy beaches, ancient castles and old WW2 German bunkers make for great adventures.

VSD was my first foray into CoffeeCup territory, in March last year, but I since then I seem to have acquired quite a few other pieces of CC software (“I honestly don’t know how it happened, darling! I must have ordered it in my sleep…” ;)). I started building my site in VSD until I realised that it’s going to be a LOT of pages, so now I’ve transferred it to HTML Editor and it’s kind of ground to a halt, unpublished, while I attempt to decipher all the positioning code and work out how to get things to stay where I flaming well want them - !! Oh, and having just read a book about HTML4 I thought I’d try and convert it all into HTML5 – why do things by halves?

Soooo the chances are that I’ll be popping up around the forums asking all sorts of ridiculous questions. Hope you guys are feeling patient! :)

Extreme Novice HTML Coder...

VSD site:
other VSD site:
User 2073552 Photo

Registered User
1,625 posts

Welcome Dawn!!! Glad to meet you! :D
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,518 posts

Welcome to this place, Dawn. You can ask whatever ridiculous questions you may have, we're kind of a nice lot and always answer as best as we can.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2212523 Photo

Registered User
88 posts

Hi Dawn,

It's awesome to hear that you're from Jersey! I have an uncle who works at the hospital there :)

I can't wait to hear your questions. I love HTML5 (and CSS3) and would love to help you out whenever you need it :D

Yup. I'm a nerd :cool:
User 2200456 Photo

Registered User
13 posts

That's cool JRC!

Having kids means that we know the hopsicle quite well... :lol:

If you're feeling helpful maybe you could check out my thread over on the Web Form Builder forum and see if you have any ideas. SirAge is doing a great job but I just can't work out where I'm going wrong and 3 heads are better than 2 :)

Extreme Novice HTML Coder...

VSD site:
other VSD site:
User 2386860 Photo

Registered User
17 posts

Hello there,

My name is Vanessa, After that big egg hunt weeekend. I feel computer distant here and there. I have been living on the west coast my whole life. I discovered computers from my grandfather. He had an old compador 64. I would play the game of chess on there. I also would doodle around with his apple 2 that he had. I dont recall what I did. I was only like 5 or 6 years old. As the years went by, in my grandfathers workshop he had a brand new IBM computer, which I thought was hot stuff. He said I could play chess 3D. I thought way cool. My grandpa told me that computers are our future. I could never learn enough about them. My grandfather had a business making opticals for guns, binoculars, etc. He would sell them all over the world. His buddy and him invented software for such. So they can get the job done quicker. Anyhow, enough about that. I thought it was the coolest thing in 7th grade when I had the option to learn the inside and outside of a macintosh computer. We started out with the hardware, then the software. Then we played around with the icons within the software learning how to play sounds. Then learned how to type on a word processer. After that, I really cared less about computers for a really long time. My mom was in college when I was 15 years old studying Microcomputer applications. She wanted me to enjoy the email on a dos based system. I said no thanks and went out to parties instead. She even tryed to tell me that I could talk to people from all over the country and world. I told her no thanks. By this time it was in 1992 the year I turned 16. I will tell you what, I could care less. The only thing I semi thought was cool; was the fact I heard her play the beatles she spent weeks downloading. Gotta love them old modems.

I decided when I was 18, I was going to live up in Olympia washington, hopping festivles and decided to settle down at Rainbow Valley the biggest hippy gathering area in washington. Gotta love good ol' Giddeon, the owner of rainbow valley. No law officials allowed on property ( even though some would show up, and they would. ) I game near to meeting Jery Garcia which happened to of been one of Giddeons buddies (he claimed) but right before the 4th of July festivle that the grateful dead was suppose to appear ate Jerry Died. This was in 1995 I believe. Been so long :lol:. Giddeon slowly but shirly lost the will to run rainbow valley and parted from rainbow valley to Calie for awhile. He went, and was gone, nobod seen much of him after Jerry died. Heck, I would say to date I havent seen him since before Jerry Died. All I know is this, life went on. (update on Rainbow Valley - I went up there in 2004 and there was no more rainbow valley, it was all weeds and tall ones at that. sad sight.)

To skip some years, I went through some deep hippy stages until the year 1997.
In 1997: I decided to go back to High school, I was 20 years old and the high school said no way. I went to lower columbia college, decided to attend some computer classes. That is where I learned some more computer information. Keep in mind, I am very computer illiterate at that age and I hated computers and wished we would go back to old ways of doing things, for all i felt was going on with computers was people were being brain washed by them. I remember writing to our president Bill Clinton telling him he should try camping and see the reality of things. This modern day society drains life out of people. Then my mom you know, had to be at the computer 24/7 it seemed typing away to friends and boyfriends on IRC (Internet relay chat.) What a joke I always thought. I would ask her. Did you ever see the day light outside of that thing? She would glare at me. Then she said, "why dont you try it?" I said, no, I dont want to get hooked like you. She finally talked me into it when she said there are people from all over the world on it, that it is a really cool thing. She said just try it. So I did. The first guy I spoke to his IRC name was Vampire. I called myself Viper76. Vampire was from Greece. So we chated forever and ever it seemed. Before you know it, I am finally hooked. I am so hooked I could not seem to get away from it. I basically stole my moms computer kind of thing. Not to mention my mom was using Windows 311. Now, I am in college going for my high school diploma, I took an intro to internet class. I learned about search engines. I remember tucows. How funny !! We learned alot. in the middle of that semester I recall them introducing windows 98. LOL what a freaking joke that was on TV. Anyone out there remember that one?? Bill gates is so excited to introduce winblows 98 and whoop, blue screen. LMAO So funny. Anyways. I love my apple!! Sorry winblows fans!! Dont get me wrong now, I learned my computers on PCs. Matter of fact right after I gathered my high school diploma. I moved to Ohio (Big mistake learned) where I met a guy I was seeing. Yikes. Talk about a sticky situation. Ouchers!! Which is why (to all of the young internet users out there) You should never. NEVER!! meet your significant other on the internet. Bad, BAD !! Very bad idea. Mark my words!! Please highlight them!! BAD VANESSA!!! I made a stupid choice!!! but!! learning gains knowlege. Knowledge gains experience. otherwise I wouldnt be whom I am today, trust me. In ohio, I learned computers. I mean, I LEARNED computers. I built my own computer, I had two operating systmes installed. Linux, and Winblows 98. My computer was cool. I had a zip drive!! LOL what a joke that was after a year. Anyways. I ended back in Washington. This is in 1999.
2001: I got married, I had my first son.
Oh well. Blah blah blah. I went to college in 2002.
2003 I had my second son. January of 2005, I bought my first Apple G5, I fallen in love with it soo much, I couldnt believe why I waisted such time on winblows all of these years. Imagine my frustration. I love my mac. (it is still running today in April 18, 2012 btw. The only issue I ever had was it needed a capasiter changed in it. No other issues.) 2005 in the end of June: I had my third son.
I got my AS degree in computer information systems in May 2005. Then decided to do something with it. Called live a better life and divorce my husband, which happened in 2006. I cannot stand tweakers, and my husband was one of them trust me, I hate tweakers!!!! EWW.. Nasty life!!!
I dated a guy and had a beautiful daughter in 2007. I dont do well with people who try to hang themselves so I left him in 2010 (he went 5150 &^%$.) 2009 I got a job at Coalinga State Hospital. As an office Tech I help alot of people out with computer help. I am not the typical secretary. I envy the IT department. They know I will be in their department once a position opens up. In 2010, I started dating my old boyfriend from junior high. We reunited after 15 years away from one another. I was too busy being a hippy back then. LMAO. (The truth is, my mom wanted me to be with him and who listens to their parents? Really?? It just is the law to go the other way is how I felt) We had a beautiful boy in 2011. Then we got encouraged to open up a buisness. We started selling childrens clothing and all on ebay. We went from that to buying twine balls and making jewelry and selling twine balls on ebay. Then we got a wise idea to start selling bracelets that are handmade. Now we have like 16 ebay listings that are doing quite well. So well; that we are ready for a web site.

I thought to myself, we are going to need a shopping cart and all of that. Everywhere out there either their shopping carts are not secure, or they charge just way too much for it. So we found Coffee Cup. We Decided to use a shopping cart as our trial for 7 days, and then by the end of that we were going to buy like a few things. We just needed to save up some profits. In the mean time we bought a web site theme shopping cart and was getting ready to work on it when I received an email about Coffee Cup having an egg hunt. That weekend went on and on with them eggs man. We found an egg and won S-Drive Subscription for life as well as 6 different things to download. I was so happy due to that. All of that before my Shopping cart trial period was over. Way cool, I felt. Now I can spend some of the profits on something else that we may need. We will be buying from Coffee Cup for sure.

Or main goal now is: To get off of ebay selling and onto our own web site. We feel ebay is sucking away all of our profits. Not to say it is terrible to sell on ebay. It is just a good starting point if you have nothing like we had (which was nothing.) I want to have two web sites. & is going to be an awesome kick to alot of hippy folks, not to mention to other types of people too. You all will just have to check us out when we are finished. I am not going to give it away just yet. I will tell you, it is going to be awesome!! It is going to attract different genres of people.

Oh did I tell you I got an Apple I-phone a few weeks ago?? Are you surprised?? LOL

Anyhow: My fingers are tired of typing here. ZzzZZ Chocolate Ice Cream is calling me!! Oh crap it is melting. See ya later!!
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,518 posts

Hi Lovepedal/Vanessa, welcome to our forums! And yes, I do remember when Bill Gates was showing off his win98 and got a blue screen. ;)
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Dawn and Lovepedal, welcome to the forums and the CC family :)
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,218 posts

Welcome to the form Lovepedal. I feel like I've known you my whole life.;) Can't wait to see your questions.:) The CC family is very hip.:cool:
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2073552 Photo

Registered User
1,625 posts

Welcome Lovepedal glad you could make it! Keep us updated on what you are doing. :P
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.

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