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User 184085 Photo

1,707 posts

Welcome Carl, we are a friendly lot here, and don't bite... but a few do nibble so enjoy and ask and answer questions to your delight ;)
Volunteering to help :)
My HTML play area
User 2460601 Photo

Registered User
8 posts

I'm actually a hardware junky (Associate Engineer) for a medical device company in the valley. I'm looking to create a Test Engineer intranet site that we can use to keep track of some of the regular duties in our department. However, my passion is music. I teach guitar and voice on the side and play guitar and lead worship from time to time at my local church.

How the heck does HTML, CSS, and whatever else I wanna do fit in to this site? Well, I'm looking to create a website for christian musicians and churches (and also create something for work too). When HTML 4.1 was big I actually went through an entire book on how to use it, but that was a few years ago. So, I purchased a software bundle from Coffee Cup to help bring me up to speed. Prior to the purchase I dabbled on finding out more about HTMLl5, CSS, and PHP thanks to my friend who works at Red Robot. I feel I'm way out of my comfort zone, but that's ok. I'm glad there are forums here. I just pray that you'll be patient with me as I may ask what seems to you as some pretty basic questions about html and CSS, but to me they will be very helpful.

User 2073552 Photo

Registered User
1,625 posts

Shane Lewis wrote:
I'm actually a hardware junky (Associate Engineer) for a medical device company in the valley. I'm looking to create a Test Engineer intranet site that we can use to keep track of some of the regular duties in our department. However, my passion is music. I teach guitar and voice on the side and play guitar and lead worship from time to time at my local church.

How the heck does HTML, CSS, and whatever else I wanna do fit in to this site? Well, I'm looking to create a website for christian musicians and churches (and also create something for work too). When HTML 4.1 was big I actually went through an entire book on how to use it, but that was a few years ago. So, I purchased a software bundle from Coffee Cup to help bring me up to speed. Prior to the purchase I dabbled on finding out more about HTMLl5, CSS, and PHP thanks to my friend who works at Red Robot. I feel I'm way out of my comfort zone, but that's ok. I'm glad there are forums here. I just pray that you'll be patient with me as I may ask what seems to you as some pretty basic questions about html and CSS, but to me they will be very helpful.

Welcome to the forums! We would be glad to assist you in your adventers into CSS and HTML... I would suggest starting out with simply HTML and CSS then moving on to CSS3 and HTML5. Any questions you may have just open a new thread and let us know what you need. Please be sure to include a link to the project you are looking at. A link takes a lot of the guess work out and will allow us to look at the page to find the errors.

Welcome again and hope to talk soon!
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
User 2460601 Photo

Registered User
8 posts

Thank you Sirage. I watched your video last night. I'll go through it in detail tonight. I briefly tried your fixes last night, but it didn't move the menu. So, I'll need to look at it more closely tonight. I loved the way you explained "absolute" and "relative" positioning. I went over that on W3schools, but your explanation was very helpful. BTW, where are you from? I heard an accent on the video. I'm originally from the "South" northern Florida where native Floridians typically have a southern draw. Thank you for the welcome message!

User 2073552 Photo

Registered User
1,625 posts

Shane Lewis wrote:
Thank you Sirage. I watched your video last night. I'll go through it in detail tonight. I briefly tried your fixes last night, but it didn't move the menu. So, I'll need to look at it more closely tonight. I loved the way you explained "absolute" and "relative" positioning. I went over that on W3schools, but your explanation was very helpful. BTW, where are you from? I heard an accent on the video. I'm originally from the "South" northern Florida where native Floridians typically have a southern draw. Thank you for the welcome message!

I am from West Virginia and proud of it. :D (Even with my 12 fingers and 11 toes. lol) I have the twang of the south because I currently reside in North Carolina.

If you can not get that to work, start a new post and we can work on it from there. :P
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
User 2504774 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

Hi Coffee Cuppers!

There doesn't seem to have been any correspondence for a while so as it is a New Year, and I am new here , well........ here goes!

Very old, been out of computers for 20 years, and there seem to have been a few changes LOL.

Certainly don't know what I am doing but having great fun doing it.

Found a program that lets me make Apps.

Then needed an website of course,

Then needed to make a form, and thats when I found CoffeeCup.

Already managed to lose myself between designing a form and the but Scott sorted me out VERY patiently. Many thanks Scott.

I am sure i will be a pest on here, so long as I dont get lost again :)

What a fascinating world we live in.
When I left the computer world (as a living), there wasn't any WWW, nor Apps. but there was desktop publishing !! and now i find Pagemaker is no more !

Ah well time for work.. One day I might get around to putting in a pic.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,218 posts

Welcome aboard Brian. There's several of users that were as lost as you not to long ago but with the help of several of the code herders here in the forum were brought back to the flock.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Welcome Brian!

I'm sure you'll find plenty of assistance here to get you back up to speed and with your background it doesn't sound like it should take you too long to do so. If you're a coder give the HTML Editor a whirl if you haven't already and if you prefer visual style (drag and drop) design the Visual Site Designer is used by many here that can help with that too. Enjoy your new refresher adventure!
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,518 posts

Welcome to these forums, Brian. And BTW, if need be, I have an old version of Pagemaker lying about somewhere. On floppies ;)
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 74312 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

Hello fellow CoffeeCup users!

My name is Shawn and I have been a CoffeeCup user since July of 2000.

So, thanks CoffeeCup!
Warmest Wishes,
Shawn Long.

[ CoffeeCup Born-On-Date: July 17, 2000 - 05:49 PM ]

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