path changes in visual view - Page 1...

User 2018661 Photo

Trial User
2 posts

I just started testing coffee cup. I'm used to Dreamweaver, but don't want to buy a copy for it seems to get buggier with every release. Anyways, I do alot of coding, but like to use the visual editor--back and forth or split view--while I work. The problem is that coffee cup seems to change all the relative paths for images to full local paths on your computer when you look at the page in the visual editor. Coffee Cup can't work with relative paths? Of course, if it uploaded that way, it would break every page.

Is this something the test version does, and the paid version doesn't?
User 122279 Photo

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14,581 posts

You have to regard the 'code mode' and the 'visual mode' of the HTML Editor as two different programmes. Switching between them is what is messing up your code and changing the paths, and the more you switch, the messier it becomes. Choose one of the modes and stick with it.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2018661 Photo

Trial User
2 posts

OK, thanks. Really, in that case I might as well continue what I have been doing...editing with a text editor, uploading the file and looking at it. At least I don't lose my place that way and have to scroll through 400 lines of code to find one link, to see if it's bold and has the right mouse-over color :-) My files are often long and full of loops and queries, and scrolling through all the code to find parts of the page that I could recognize quickly in a visual editor is a pain. I don't want to use a drag and drop beginner's editor, I just want to see the effects of changes quickly and find places on the page easily...something that might be good to consider for Coffee Cup's next releases.
User 1948478 Photo

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1,850 posts

coyotech wrote:
... I just want to see the effects of changes quickly and find places on the page easily...

You can use the CC HTML Editor in split-view with 'Code' and 'Preview'. That way you will have instant visual feedback of your coding without losing your place.
User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

Per wrote:
coyotech wrote:
... I just want to see the effects of changes quickly and find places on the page easily...

You can use the CC HTML Editor in split-view with 'Code' and 'Preview'. That way you will have instant visual feedback of your coding without losing your place.

Second that one. Will keep you from losing much of your sanity too. :D

Ok, so I don't really know what happened to mine then. :P
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 2225734 Photo

Registered User
10 posts

I'm in the same boat as coyotech ... I'm evaluating CoffeeCup HTML Editor, trying to avoid dreamweaver, and have already looked at other options that don't have a visual designer.

I'm a coder so I want code view to design/write the page, but I need to write a lot of content into html and the visual editor is perfect for that - much faster than adding all the markup tags in code view.

I've looked at what design view does to the html if you switch back and forth, and apart from messing with links, it seems to just format it nicely to me.

The slightly different issue I noted was that same-page links eg '<a href="#top">' were adding the page name when visual editor touches the html eg '<a href="thispage.html#top">'.

In both coyotech and my cases, it seems like this behaviour would make the visual editor break the pages even if you were only using visual editor and never code view. So, is this behaviour controllable or not normal? Or is the visual editor fundamentally broken and not really a usable part of the program??

Other than this one issue, I can live with the visual editor reformatting my code and both code view and visual editor are great, far better than anything other than Dreamweaver. I would like to buy CoffeeCup HTML editor and use it as my main editor, but this is kind of a deal-breaker :(

Hope someone at CoffeeCup can comment on how to work around this or consider fixing it! (if it is indeed a bug in the visual editor).
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

I'm not sure if there will ever be a fix for this or not. With the use of the Visual Site Designer, the visual tab of the HTML Editor is really not used much anymore. Most people that are looking for a visual setup tend to go with that program instead. It's much more robust and has a lot more features that work very well together than the visual tab of the HTML Editor does.

Also, trust us when we say it will mess up your code. The code is completely different when it comes to visual coding, so unless you're used to editing that type of code (and I'll assume you are since you say it's no bother) then it's not something you should swap back and forth to. It definitely changes a lot more than just links. Basic HTML code is not written with all the attributes being in absolute placements like visual code is and it will eventually get very messy.

Don't say we didn't warn ya on that part, even CC has warnings on their site and in articles about swapping.

Other than that, I wouldn't expect a lot of fixes to the visual tab of the HTML Editor, personally I wish they would remove it myself :/
User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

Miss Frying Pan :D wrote:
Other than that, I wouldn't expect a lot of fixes to the visual tab of the HTML Editor, personally I wish they would remove it myself :/

Well... Basically they did, by defaulting it to not show up :D... One has to really work hard to screw up their code via the old Visual to Code Switch-a-roo now.

I have actually found it to not be too bad, IF I did things a certain way... ie, started in visual to "rough" place certain objects, then when that was all done, switch to code to finish the page (NEVER GOING BACK after that!!!). Yes, I did have to "tweak" on some of the items, placement wise, but for that I kept Preview Pane open and played with it 'til it was good.

If you ever try to go back and forth, and back and forth, you WILL end up in a nice white jacket hugging yourself before your site is done!!!

Maybe CC should put a pop-up window in the program that says "WARNING - Going to Visual Mode, then back to Code Mode is hazardous to your health. ARE YOU SURE you wish to continue?" LOL!
Edit: Or a musical insert that plays "Insane In the Membrane" by Cypress Hill :D
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Something like this? ;)

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

Uh... I dunno Scott. Too many words make my head hurt with the little sleep I've been getting :D And I'm too :cool: to read that anywho, right? Say YES!!! :D

Probably pulled off another one of those "(Discontinued)" notices on us huh? I KNOW THAT wasn't there :rolleyes::lol:
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D

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