CoffeeCup S-Drive is our take on web hosting. It features a set of integrated services that simplify the process of creating and maintaining your online presence. They provide just about everything a webmaster could want, from website files to online store statistics, and even form hosting and processing!
From directly within many of our programs, you can set up S-Drive publishing by simply entering your CoffeeCup account information; then you can click Publish at any time. Our programs work with S-Drive to do all the dirty work for you while you sit back with some lemonade and wait a few seconds for your content to pop up online.
If you’ve entered your CoffeeCup account information in the Form Publishing tab of the Settings menu, your form results automatically appear in the Forms tab of the S-Drive Dashboard.
Click here for more information on S-Drive. You can sign up for an account now if you don’t have one!
Understanding the S-Drive Dashboard
The S-Drive Dashboard is your control center for everything related to your S-Drive account. It’s got all of your web tools consolidated into one location. It allows you to manage your S-Drive Settings, upload, edit, and delete files, create and edit photo albums, and even check the stats on your Stream, Shop, and Form content.
From the accounts menu in the upper right corner, choose the account to which you’ve published your form. Now click the Forms tab.
The first thing you’ll notice is the stats panel that lists some interesting stuff about your forms.

Each form has its own box and is labeled by its title in the lower left corner. In the lower right corner is the settings tool in which you can View the form on the web, See Results that have been submitted by people who filled out your form or Delete the form.
So what do these stats mean? Here’s a breakdown of the numbers:
This number indicates how many people clicked the Submit button. By comparing this number to the numbers below it, this information can be inferred:
- The number of people who started to fill it out but never completed it (perhaps your form is confusing in some way, and they gave up?)
- The number of people who saw the form but didn’t even begin to fill it out
This number indicates how many people have at least partially filled out the form.
This number shows many people have seen the form. People who view your form more than once from the same computer will only be counted once.
You can use these stats to your advantage, tweaking your form to try to increase success rates! Now click a form title to view its submissions.
Form Submissions
When you click to view a form’s results, you’ll be taken to the Form Submissions panel.

By default, form submissions are listed with the newest submission first. You can click a title of any column to organize results according to the contents of that column, and you can toggle which order they are displayed in. New submissions are shown with bold text, so you know that you haven’t viewed them yet while previously viewed submissions appear in normal text.
Every form has a different set of columns according to which fields exist in the form, but there are a few things in this panel that stay consistent:
“Submitted On” Column
This is a date and timestamp of when the submission was received.
All Other Columns
The overview of your form results displays a couple of the fields from your form, using the labels provided in the Name field of the Properties pane in Web Form Builder, as seen in Step 2: Adding a Text Field. Therefore, the last few columns shown on this page will be determined, by the way, your form is configured.

“-- Select --” Drop-down
Choose an option from this menu and click the Go button to apply changes to each form result shown above that is selected. You can select individual results by checking the box in the far left column or select them all at once by checking the All box in the upper left corner. Here’s what each option does:
- Delete Row: Deletes any form results that are selected
- Mark Read: “Unbolds” the selected submissions, so they appear to be read
- Mark Unread: “Bolds” the selected submissions, so they appear to be unread
- Star: Applies the star next to the selected submissions to highlight important results
- Unstar: Removes the star, if necessary, to all selected submissions
- Download: Downloads the selected results to your computer
- Download All: Downloads all results for the current form, whether selected or not
Viewing an Individual Form Result
To view a single submission, simply click its submission date/time in the “Submitted On” column. Everything there is to know about that submission is now shown on the screen all at once.

Notice that all the labels in the left column correspond to the Name values provided by Web Form Builder! Now you know how important it is to give accurate names in those fields.
S-Drive Forms really is the easiest and most organized way to collect form results. It’s easier to read than a text file or database, and it includes all the tools you need to manage the submissions. It brings you a management system that feels more like reading email than reading a technical manual. And if you want to download those results anyway, you’ve got that ability right at your fingertips.
Now that you know how to create, publish, and get the results of your form, go have fun! You don’t need to set up anything else! However, Web Form Builder does some more great stuff that you can read about in the next chapters, so when you’re done playing around, come back and do a little more reading.