Coders often like to do things entirely with the keyboard in a text-only environment. We love this attitude, so we knew we wanted to include command line properties that can be used to open Web Editor projects.
To access the Web Editor via a command line, the program must be installed in the Applications folder. Then go to Web Editor > Command Line Utility to enable this option.
You can use these command lines in various advanced ways, but the easiest way to explore the syntax of the function is to open the Terminal from the OS X Applications folder.
In the prompt, type we -h to see a list of possible commands:

As seen above, the accepted syntax is:
we [options] [source] …
Begin by typing we, either in capital or lowercase letters. You can optionally add the option -h to show the help dialog, as seen above. Finally, you can include the path to one or more projects, folders, or files to open those items in the Web Editor.
Here’s an example of a successful command line that opens a Web Editor project:
we Documents/HTML/designtest.weproj
And here’s an example of a successful command line that opens a project and several files:
we Documents/HTML/designtest.weproj Documents/index.php test.jpg
This line requests for the Web Editor to open the project designtest.weproj in the specified directory, the PHP file index.php in a different specified directory, and the image test.jpg in the current directory. You can open as many files as you want with this method from anywhere on your computer.
Also, note that you can simply type we to open the Web Editor. :)