Yep, you asked for it, we listened. Using Website Insight you can now create customized reports based on the scanned data the app finds. Within a matter of minutes, you can export a report, with custom branding, and deliver it to a customer for their review! To generate a report, you'll first need to run a scan of the website using Website Insight. Once the scan is complete, you are ready to create a report! To do this follow the steps outlined below:
Should I rescan the site first?
Yes! We recommend that you rescan all pages before generating a report as we have included new checks in the program and other features. By rescanning, you can be sure that your report will include these new options with all the data.
Step 1
Click the Generate Report Toolbar icon, or navigate to the Reports Menu > Generate Report.

Step 2
Selecting Individual Reports
To start the process of generating a fully customized report, select the page(s) from the left that you wish to include within the report. Once you select the report, you can either double-click or click Add to Selected Reports to add it to the Selected Reports area.

Selecting Multiple Page Reports
Similar to selecting individual pages to generate a report, you can also do this for multiple pages at the same time as well. On the left, select the page(s) you want to use by holding down the control key and select the page, or you can click Select All to automatically select everything. You will now see on the right, three buttons to choose from. When selecting one of those buttons, those reports will automatically be added to the Selected Reports area.

Want to customize your report?
You can learn how to customize your Website Insight report by reading over our Importing your website into Website Insight article.
Step 3
When generating reports, you have a few options and settings available to control how these will be generated. Each report added to the Selected Reports will generate a standalone report contained within a single directory structure. The directory name is a blend of the filename+timedatestamp. This way if you have multiple reports for one page, each directory will be kept separate. A directory structure like this is useful if you just want to provide your client a single report page for them to review.
The report folder or report file name can be adjusted by clicking the Gear icon in the lower left. Here you can adjust the name used for the output file/folder.

If you would like to have all of your reports condensed into one directory structure, that is what the checkbox Condense reports into one folder does. Instead of getting a directory for each report, there will simply be one directory with all the report pages located inside of it.
Step 4
Now click Generate Report. A status dialog will appear showing the progress of the reports being generated.

When the process is complete, you will see the All Reports Generated. And that is it!

Want a PDF report?
You can open the exported .html file in many browsers and print to a PDF file allowing you to provide a PDF version of the report to your clients. You can also find many utilities to convert HTML to PDF here. It is important to note that when using a PDF based report, you are not taking full advantage of the report generation tools Website Insight offers. Delivering a fully responsive HTML base report allows your customers to view the report on any device.