Before you get started, it's important to make sure your CSV file is formatted properly. In order to import a .CSV file into Shopping Cart Creator Pro, the values in the file must be organized in a certain order. Each value must be separated by a comma (,) or semicolon (;) or pipe (|).
The following text must be the first line in your CSV file (it defines your column headers):
All the entries in your .CSV file must follow this order. Here's a breakdown of how to format the different kinds of cells in the CSV file:
Yes/No Fields:
- applypercent
- defaultshipping
- featured
- upload
- forceoptions
- showstock
- showweight
Numeric Fields:
- weight
- retailprice
- discount
- shipping
- handling
- defaultquantity
- minrangequantity
- maxrangequantity
- stockunits
- storeunits
Text Fields:
- sku
- title
- shortdescription
- longdescription
- metakeywords
- metadescription
- options1-5
- category
- parentcategory
- tax
Fields With Special Values
- weightunits: kg, lbs, oz,g, tons, l, cl, ml
- typequantity: default_quantity, range_quantity, choose_quantity
- image1-4: Provide a full path to any images, otherwise Shopping Cart Creator Pro may not be able to find them.
- Optional fields. Format the values in this order NAME:OPTION[0.00]|NAME:OPTION[0.00]|
You can download a sample CSV file here to use as a template.
Okay, now that all that is out of the way, let's talk about how to use this tool! To start import your file, go to File > Import from .csv. This opens the Import From .csv window.
Click the folder icon to browse your computer for the CSV file you want to import. To specify your field separator and the operating system used to create the CSV file, click the More Options button. When you're done, click Import. You're all set!