Flexbox makes responsive table design a lot easier
Tables have always posted a bit of a problem in responsive design. Depending on the table type and use-case, the challenge could be big...or immense. We did some experimenting and found that this is yet another area where flexbox can be of tremendous help. Download the free guide below (and don’t forget to share).

Meaning, usability, clarity
They can all come under pressure when a table structure is adjusted to ‘fit’ on a small screen. This guide discusses implications and potential solutions. The really exciting part is where we show how a responsive table can be designed, and adjusted for small screens, using flexbox.
The CoffeeCup Guide to Designing Responsive Tables with Flexbox can be downloaded for free below, or try the interactive version using a free trial of RSD.
If you want to get insight into the table building blocks, and are interested in playing with the various flexbox settings, you should download the free trial of RSD. The guide is wrapped in a special tutorial theme upon open.
We hope you’ll enjoy it!
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