
Mirror Sites

What Is A Mirror Site? The term "mirror site" refers to an identical website hosted on another domain/website address. Large websites usually provide a mirror website for different...

Internal Linking

Optimizing Your Links Just as Inbound links are important, internal linking structure can have a large effect on how your pages will rank in search engines. For optimal performance we...

Dynamic Sites

Dynamic sites are defined as sites that retrieve data from a "database" and display it in the users browser. Generally, a single CGI ("Common Gateway Interface") page or script...

Image Maps

Although the use of image maps can save time and effort in cases where a single image should link to more than one URL, image maps cannot be read by search engines. This means that any links in...

How to Add a Form to Your Page

Embed a web form into your website So, you want to add your form to a web editor such as the Site Designer, HTML Editor, or Dreamweaver? Well, here are two options to...

Chapter 1: Adding A Place

There are four different types of places that you can add when configuring a connection. Each connection type helps you maintain your documents, photos, music, and videos keeping everything...

Box Shadow

The effects section of Responsive Site Designer allows you to cast a drop shadow from the frame of almost every element. The Box Shadow settings provide you with multiple values, which can be...

Chapter 6: Importing Users

Yep! There are several ways to import users into Website Access Manager. Import from your computer Import from the web Import from your Server Import from...

Chapter 2: Designing a Form

Just a note before we get started: There are many different ways you can perform the functions we’ll explain in this tutorial. For example, to save your form—which you should often be doing....

Chapter 9: Properties

The Properties tab is as important as it gets. Without tweaking anything in this tab, it’s impossible to create a form that’s truly your own. This tab is where you’ll really...

Chapter 3: S-Drive Forms

CoffeeCup S-Drive is our take on web hosting. It features a set of integrated services that simplify the process of creating and maintaining your online presence. They provide just about...

Chapter 4: The Design Tab in RED

The Design Pane Email design is different from web design Before you start designing your newsletter or email, or start tweaking one of the themes, it is important to realize that designing...

RED benefits

Worth: $$$$ s. — Costs: $$ Responsive Email Designer 3-ways RED can make you money A simple Google search will reveal this: email marketing is the #1 most profitable marketing...

Chapter 3: Components Tab

Here you will find an overview of your page components. It provides you with information about their individual file sizes, combined file sizes (total page weight) and download speed. The...

Chapter 5: Keywords Tab

The Keywords tab shows a list of the words that Website Insight has determined are acceptable and also those not acceptable that are used on your page. You can even find out what links might be...

Chapter 10: Form Options

You might consider this tab to be full of “Global Properties.” The options within are very similar to those found in the Property tab, but they apply to the entire form. Here’s...

Chapter 8: Living Pictures

Living Pictures are a really cool type of animated GIF that you can create. Rather than just being a video converted to GIF, where every part of every frame moves, these images animate only...

Chapter 4: General Overview

In this walkthrough, we’re going to cover how to create and edit users, and then how to grant and remove access to parts of your website. Step 1: Adding a user Step 2: Adding...

Chapter 4: Bookmarks

If you’re working on a big, complicated document, bookmarks are going to be your life saver. You can place a bookmark on any line of code in any open document. They’ll all appear in the Project...

Fixed Background

CSS Trick: setting a fixed background to a container. We all have seen those slick websites that use effects on their page such as scrolling backgrounds (a.k.a fixed backgrounds). With Site...

Enforce HTTPS

Configure a HTTPS Redirect. Unlike other service provider who charge hefty prices for SSL certificates, with * domains they are FREE . Just one click and you can apply a redirect...

Optimizing Files

It’s true guys, size does matter...when it comes to image file size that is. It is good practice to design for performance and use images that are lightweight. This is especially true...

Chapter 6: Searching

The Web Editor wants to help you stay organized, right? Well, how organized would you be if you had to frantically search around for stuff that you lost when you could have a program do it for...

Chapter 2: Using Places

Now that you have all your profiles setup and are ready to go, let’s put them to good use! Places has a lot of neat features for such a small program. Using them is rather easy, but we want to...

Chapter 8: Plugins

Web Editor by itself is intended to be a lean, mean coding machine, able to get the job done efficiently without being loaded down with a million features that you may or may not need to use....

Setting Up Payments in Web Form Builder

You can accept payments via forms made in Web Form Builder by configuring a payment provider. To do so, click the Settings toolbar icon and choose the Payment tab. To enable payment options...

Can I Edit a Theme in Shopping Cart Creator?

You cannot edit themes from inside Shopping Cart Creator, but you can with Shopping Cart Designer Pro . These equally intuitive applications allow you to modify your shop theme with such options...

How to Use the Open From Web Function.

With the HTML Editor, you can import published webpages from the Internet and open them in the program. To do this, go to File > Open From Web . This opens the Open From Web window ,...

How Do I Add Custom Dictionaries to Shopping Cart Creator?

To import other language dictionaries into Shopping Cart Creator 3.6 or higher for spell checking needs, first download the .zip file for the language you want to add from the list below. Next,...

Does Website Access Manager Work Over SFTP or SCP?

At this time, Website Access Manager only works with the FTP protocol running on port 21. SFTP and SCP run on port 22, so they are not compatible with the program. Because Website Access...