Articles tagged “Web Form Builder”

Putting Your Form on a Joomla Website

Got a Joomla site that needs a form? Planning to use the CoffeeCup Form Builder to create it? Prefer to contain it all within your own server rather than taking advantage of the S-Drive...

Preparing a New Windows Web Form Builder Theme

So you've decided to make your own Web Form Builder theme, eh? Excellent! First you need to do a little bit of prep work. This tutorial will show you how to create a new theme so you don't...

Web Form Builder Sample Test Form

Web Form Builder Lite only allows you to publish your form to S-Drive .  Exporting your form to your own server is only available with the registered version of the software. This...

How to configure MailChimp

Mailing list support is without a doubt a snazzy and useful feature in Web Form Builder. When you set up a mailing list, you can use your form to collect information from people to be used on a...

Publishing a Form to S-Drive with Web Form Builder

Publishing your forms to the web is easy when you use Web Form Builder's built-in S-Drive integration. Your forms are hosted on our servers and available to the entire world—plus, your...

Understanding S-Drive Form Stats

Publishing forms built in Web Form Builder to S-Drive is not only the easiest way to get your forms on the web, it's also the most fun way to do it. You don't have to touch any HTML code...

A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly

When you try to publish or export your form using Web Form Builder, this alert may appear: Here's a quote from Microsoft that helps explain this error: " Because some...

Web Form Builder Quick Start Guide

Web form Builder creates powerful forms in a drag-and-drop workspace that feels natural. Build any form you can dream up by choosing from 21 form elements and dozens of behind-the-scenes settings...

Input error: k: Format of site key was invalid

If you load your form and you see this error message where the reCAPTCHA box should be: Input error: k: Format of site key was invalid This means your CAPTCHA settings are still set to...

Contact Lists in Web Form Builder

Good day to you, web form building enthusiast! Want to use a drop-down menu as a contact list? Notice that "Use as Contact List" checkbox under the Drop Down element? Let's take...

S-Drive Academy: Using Web Forms to Interact and Learn

Sparked by an overwhelming amount of compliments, we decided to focus The Academy on something every website needs: web forms! So, here we go! First, we’ll talk about why they are so...

Responsive Themes: What are they?

You may be asking yourself what really is a Responsive theme and why do I need one? Well a responsive theme is a process of web design that allows a website designer to restructure a website at...

How can I publish a form to my own server?

Publishing your form to your own server is as easy as 1-2-3. To set this up, go to the File Menu > Export > Manual Server Setup . This will then generate all of your form files that...

Chapter 8: Elements

There are currently 19 elements that are available for your forms, split into three sections: Basic elements, Magical elements, and Static elements. Basic Elements These are the most typical...

Chapter 5: Theme Browser

Theme Browser Switching designs is incredibly easy using the Theme Browser . Just click the Themes toolbar button, choose a design that looks like it would work for your form, and watch your...

"Your form could not be submitted for the following reason(s)"

It's a good idea to test your form to ensure it works properly before making it publicly available. That way you can catch errors like this one! If you submit your form and you get this...

How to Manually Confirm Your SMTP Settings for Web Form Builder

After manually exporting your files to your server you'll need to manually edit the user.cfg.php file located with your form files. In this document you will find the following information....

Adding a form to Responsive Site Designer

Web Form Builder is an amazingly powerful, responsive form creator. Create forms for registrations, surveys, purchasing and more. Now that you have created a totally cool form, it is...

Chapter 7: What to do with a Finished Form

Now that your form is ready for the public, you’ll want to explore your options for putting it on the web. You can publish to S-Drive by entering your CoffeeCup Account information, export...

I Get a T_OBJECT_OPERATOR Error when Submitting a Form

If you've published/uploaded your form to your server and are testing it, you might see an error that looks similar to this when clicking the submit button: Parse error : syntax error,...

What's the Difference Between the Classic and New Web Form Builder?

Our Flash-based Web Form Builder has been one of our most popular applications to date, but we completely redesigned it to make it take full advantage of HTML 5, the most recent standard in web...

How to Add a Form to Your Page

Embed a web form into your website So, you want to add your form to a web editor such as the Site Designer, HTML Editor, or Dreamweaver? Well, here are two options to...

Chapter 2: Designing a Form

Just a note before we get started: There are many different ways you can perform the functions we’ll explain in this tutorial. For example, to save your form—which you should often be doing....

Chapter 9: Properties

The Properties tab is as important as it gets. Without tweaking anything in this tab, it’s impossible to create a form that’s truly your own. This tab is where you’ll really...

Chapter 3: S-Drive Forms

CoffeeCup S-Drive is our take on web hosting. It features a set of integrated services that simplify the process of creating and maintaining your online presence. They provide just about...

Chapter 10: Form Options

You might consider this tab to be full of “Global Properties.” The options within are very similar to those found in the Property tab, but they apply to the entire form. Here’s...

Setting Up Payments in Web Form Builder

You can accept payments via forms made in Web Form Builder by configuring a payment provider. To do so, click the Settings toolbar icon and choose the Payment tab. To enable payment options...

What Email Address Does Web Form Builder Use?

In Web Form Builder's Email Notices tab, you can choose to receive a notification message (an email sent to you, the form creator) or an auto-response message (an email sent to the...

Chapter 4: Settings, What Goes On Behind the Scenes

Your form looks great! Now you can set up what happens behind the scenes. To set these options, click the Settings button in the Toolbar to open the Form Settings window. General Settings...

How to Customize a Manual Captcha Box

You can configure Web Form Builder to use the reCAPTCHA system to validate a user's human-ness by choosing either Automatic (S-Drive Only) or Manual from the Captcha drop-down in the...