
Chapter 1: Getting to know the Responsive Button Builder Workspace

    1: Breakpoint Management & Width Indicator You can add or remove breakpoints with the plus and minus buttons. The numbers to the right show the current width of the...

Exporting Your Responsive Layout to WordPress

So now that you have your layout created with Responsive Layout Maker , you would like to get it to work with WordPress? No problem at all! Not only does Responsive Layout Maker allow create...

Chapter 6: Responsive Layout Maker VS Responsive Layout Maker Pro

Responsive Layout Maker comes in two versions, Responsive Layout Maker and Responsive Layout Maker Pro. Both versions allow you to create amazing site layouts, but there are distinct differences...

How to allow text to wrap around an image

The flowing of text around an image is a technique that is frequently part of a designer's arsenal. Although the process of wrapping text has changed over the years, this is easily accomplished...

Adding the design layer

Adding the design layer with visual CSS3 controls Content creates design atmosphere The site we are constructing is for a good cause, a shelter for cats (and other animals). Sometimes it...

Adding the Breakpoints to WIX redesign

.embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; margin: 7px 0; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container...

Creating Links with Responsive Site Designer

Create links to files, documents, external pages, anchors, email address and phone numbers. Responsive Site Designer makes it easy to link to other pages, files, and documents. You can...

Google Fonts and GDPR Laws

The GDPR Problem with Google Fonts and the Site Designer Solution. No doubt, Google Fonts offers a huge range of stunning font options. That’s the #1 reason we incorporated...

Dither Modes in Animation Studio

The GIF graphic format has been around for a very long time, and was one of the first image formats to provide relatively realistic displays. The maximum color palette that was available at the...

Add Form Builder to Shopping Cart Creator for custom user information.

Have a form and want to add it to Shopping Cart Creator, no problem, we're here to help. Please note that the form will not submit with your cart, it will be a separate entity, so you may...

Chapter 1: Getting Started

An Overview of Menu Builder CoffeeCup has a long history of building software for designing navigation menus. And for good reason, making attractive, functional drop down menus has always been...

Chapter 2: Understanding HTML & CSS3

The Code Powering Your Menu No need to get into details here in this chapter, after all, Menu Builder does all the work for you. But this we want to make clear before we go any further: HTML...

Chapter 3: Understanding the Code Structure

Link Organization When you enter the Elements Mode of the program, you are working with an engine that creates the HTML structure of your menu. Although you don't see this while creating...

Saving Data Tab in Web Form Builder

With Web Form Builder, you have the ability to log your form results into a CSV (coma seperated value) file as well as a MySQL database (SQL not supported).     Save to a...

Chapter 2: Using Elements for Content-Driven Responsive Layouts

Populating the layout design with content elements This part of the application is so intuitive that it barely needs any explanation. Simply decide on your content needs, drag them on your...

Are using Frames Bad?

Using Frames are Bad for SEO Frames are a major issue when it comes to SEO and can not only present problems with the search engines from spidering your site, they can also make it a...

Inbound Links and Search Results Explained

Why are my inbound links and results low? When trying to determine how many inbound links you may have to your website or just what your search results are, you may have noticed that the number...

Setting up your Yahoo Server

Yahoo has made the change to secure connection so this means we have to make a small adjustment in your settings of DFTP. Follow the steps below to connect to your Yahoo Server: Step 1: Open...

Extending Menu Background Across Entire Page

In this article we will explain how to adjust the markup of your Responsive menu so that it extends the entire width of your page for any menu created with Responsive CSS Menu Builder. With just a...

Chapter 11: Recommendations Tab

Now that you have all this information about your website, we are sure you are asking yourself "What do I do now?". Sifting through pages and pages of SEO books can be extremely...

Designing Navigation Menus

Design, tweak, explore, prototype..have fun! In Chapter 3 we saw that the HTML portion of a navigation menu is relatively straightforward. The CSS however can be something completely else!...

Adding KeyCAPTCHA to Web Form Builder

This article will show you how you can use your own custom Captcha generated by KeyCAPTCHA. These steps are provided as-is with no warranties. You break it, you fix it....;) NOTE: Each time...

Digital Signature

Digital Signatures is easy to use and can be used to authenticate the identity of the sender of a message or the signer of a document. By following the steps outlined below you will be up and...

Patch System Registry for Invalid Mime-Type

Web Form Builder requires a properly set mime-type for CSS files that is stored in your system registry. If this key is not set correctly, it will create problems not only for Web Form Builder,...

Chapter 1: Getting to know the Web Form Builder Workspace

Here’s a quick overview of the major features of the Web Form Builder workspace: Web Form Builder Workspace Numbered overview of WFB workspace: (1) The toolbar:...

Customizing your HTML Editor Settings

You asked for it and we delivered! You now have the ability to change the toolbar markup used in the HTML Editor to your liking! Why you might ask? Well we have had several requests from our...

Chapter 1: Getting to know the Web Editor Workspace

Here is a look at our Welcome Screen. Easily choose to create a project and much more with just a click.      1: Create Empty Project Create a Web Editor project...

Chapter 2: General Settings Tab

The General Tab is where you can edit the general settings of your button. Such as Text, Text Padding, width and more! Below is a list of the settings and what they do!    ...

Chapter 3: Design Properties Tab

All the cool kids love the Design tab. This tab allows for background manipulation, color disposition, image refrigeration, border contortions, corner roundafication and shadow relocation. (Yes,...

Chapter 4: Font Properties Tab

On the Font Properties tab you can set your font style and shadow settings, for both the Main Text and Secondary Text.      Font: Choose from a wide array of web...