Want a guestbook on your S-Drive Site? Here's how to use your Stream as a guest book powered by a form built in Web Form Builder. Create your form in Web Form Builder, including any...
The Components Library Collection Website components are elements, or a combination of elements, that are transformed into interactive features using special attributes and...
Improve your site’s performance using Lighthouse from Google Chrome. So do you think your website is looking good and ready for showtime? Well there is one great suggestion we make...
Hook a Web Form Builder script with Form Designer Form Designer is a fantastic front-end design tool for creating interactive forms that are unique and responsive. It works by connecting...
How to Create an Off-Canvas Menu The Foundation CSS framework offers the ability to create a stylish off-canvas navigation menu. As you can see in the interactive demo below, when the menu is...
Controlled Folder Access Windows Defender protects against malware/ransomware by including a feature called Controlled Folder Access which can limit or prevent a program from accessing or...
Configure a HTTPS Redirect. Unlike other service provider who charge hefty prices for SSL certificates, with *coffeeup.com domains they are FREE . Just one click and you can apply a redirect...
Apply a Background to your Page In just a few simple steps you can apply a background color or image to the entire project of your site or on a single page. These steps work across all of our...
Free Responsive Email Theme Rejoice — we’re giving you complimentary, mobile-friendly email designs! These quick start templates are lightly styled to make it easy to dive in and...
Responsive email design is coming to Gmail This is HUGE! Google Gmail is answering everyone’s prayers by adding support for Media Queries — the secret recipe of any responsive...
Learn the 6 steps to creating mobile-friendly emails, invoices and newsletters... Did you know that a majority of emails are first opened on a mobile device? Yup, and that means your...
Download Free RED Themes Spark your design creativity using our hand-crafted responsive templates or simply use them to learn a trick or two. They are 100% customizable and can be edited...
Opening the Program When you first open the HTML Editor, you'll be asked to log into your CoffeeCup account to verify your purchase. Enter your registered CoffeeCup email and password....
5 Reasons Why Responsive Website Design and Content Marketing Should Work Together Responsive web design is everywhere nowadays. In short, this is a feature of a website which automatically...
Sync your navigation menu across your website project! Symbols are an awesome time-saving feature when it comes to managing commonly used items in your site. When an item is saved as a Symbol,...
Build an Orbit Photo Gallery Everyone loves a cool image slider. Within Site Designer this is really easy to implement. Today I’ll demonstrate how to create a revolving photo gallery using...
A Stream is a service provided by CoffeeCup that consists of a list of posts in descending order beginning with the most recent post. A typical Stream will contain a title, a subtitle, a list of...
Download 10 epic themes for Foundation Framer. Spark your design creativity using our hand-crafted responsive templates or simply use them to learn a trick or two. They are 100% customizable...
If you want to upload files you need for a webpage, you can use Visual Site Designer to create your website and just choose 'Publish with S-Drive." However, if you want to add...
So you’ve got all the content of your page down, along with most of your design. You are almost ready to publish- but there is still one thing missing. Even though your website is...
Adding new pages to an RSD website In my previous tutorial, I illustrated how easy it is to rebuild a Visual Site Designer page into a fabulous, mobile-friendly design using Responsive Site...
Video guide for creating a basic page in CSS Grid Builder & Site Designer V3 & V4. Since the release of Responsive Site Designer V1, the Visions theme has always been a fan favorite....
Does The Old ‘Email Newsletter’ Still Work In Today’s World? (With Examples) Ah, email newsletters; my inbox is full of them, and hearing those words...
Welcome to RED We’re proud to present to you Responsive Email Designer. The most versatile and flexible newsletter building program on the web. Buy RED...
Wondering what are the settings for in Responsive Layout Maker and how you can use them to your benefit? Here will will show you what each of these are used for and walk you through some examples...
Working with images and graphics in Responsive Email Designer Before you can export/send your email creation, you must first decide how your email images will be hosted. You see, images are...
Now that you have your awesome new slider, it is time to get that added to your website. With Responsive Content Slider, there are three options that you can use to place the slider on your...
Web Form Builder Lite only allows you to publish your form to S-Drive . Exporting your form to your own server is only available with the registered version of the software. This...
Responsive Website Design Cheat Sheet Ready to start building an awesome website but don’t know where to start? We’ve got you covered. I’ll break down the fundamentals for...
Using Your S-Drive Form with Third Party Website. With the release of Safari 14, the browser now has a full block of 3rd party cookies. Due to this, both your web form and the website where it...