This may seem hard at first because you are getting into uncharted territory with regular expressions. But once you see the process it really is not that tough. :)
Step 1:
Drag the Regular Expression element onto your form.
Step 2:
Under the Regular Expression Properties choose custom from the RegEx field.
Step 3:
Here is where you need to set your question/answer. In this example we are using 2*2 which equals 4. So our regular expression would read /^[4]+$/ This tells the form that the only correct answer that can be entered into this field is 4.
This example only works with single digit answers.
Step 4:
Name your element and setup your questions within that element. Here we have placed the question in the placeholder.
Step 5:
Do not forget to set your Error Message.
Step 6:
Test your form! You are done. :) In the end your form should look like this: Please note that the below form is an image. You can not fill it out. :)