Web Form Builder Lite only allows you to publish your form to S-Drive.  Exporting your form to your own server is only available with the registered version of the software.

This test form here will allow you to try out an exported form that the registered version would generate.  This is a fully functioning form allowing you to integrate it into your website and test how the email results work. The only options not enabled in this test form are CSV logging and MySQL as the setup for that is handled through the software and would be unique to each persons hosting account.  However, if the email portion works, those features should work equally as well.  

Make sure that your server meets the Minimum Requirements before starting the testing process.

Step 1: 

Download the sample test form from here and unzip it.

Step 2: 

Go into coffeecup_test_exported\coffeecup-test folder and open the form.cfg.php file in any text editor. Do not use a word processor for this.

Step 3: 

Search for youremail@domain.com and change that to your email address and save the file.

Step 4: 

Upload the contents of the coffeecup_test_exported folder to your server.  Do not upload the coffeecup_test_exported folder itself. Just the contents of it.

Step 5: 

Copy this HTML markup and paste it into the webpage where you want your form to appear.
<script type="text/javascript"> document.write( unescape( "%3Ciframe id=\"fb_iframe\" src=\"coffeecup-test.php" + window.location.search + "\" width=\"642\" height=\"730\" allowtransparency=\"true\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\"%3E&lt;a href=\"coffeecup-test.php\" title=\"coffeecup-test\"&gt;Check out my CoffeeCup Form&lt;/a&gt; %3C/iframe%3E" ) ); </script><noscript>  <iframe width="642" height="730" style="border:none; background:transparent; overflow:hidden;"  id="fb_iframe" src="coffeecup-test/coffeecup-test.html">    &lt;a href="coffeecup-test.php" title="coffeecup-test"&gt;Check out my    CoffeeCup Form&lt;/a&gt;  </iframe></noscript>

Step 6:  

Now visit your website and you will see this form below on the webpage that you added the markup to. What you see below is an image, and not an actual form so do not try and fill it out. That won't work. :-)