Our Flash-based Web Form Builder has been one of our most popular applications to date, but we completely redesigned it to make it take full advantage of HTML 5, the most recent standard in web design. Since we had the chance to start from scratch, we were able to improve many things that weren't quite possible in the classic Flash version—but a few other features haven't quite made it into the new one yet. Here's a breakdown of the Flash vs. HTML versions of Web Form Builder.


= Supported   = Not Supported   = Coming Soon

Your Web Form

HTML Flash
Flawless rendering on any device that uses HTML, including iPhones and iPads
Add friendly hints and placeholders, making your forms easier (and friendlier!) to fill out
Multiple files can be uploaded at once
A stylish calendar pops up when picking a date
Forms are 508 accessibility compliant (Trust us, this is a good thing)
Mark fields as "Required" and show appropriate warning messages if necessary
Auto-complete: Browser suggests values that the user has entered before
Automatically validate user input by field type (and get more reliable data)
Automatically verify user input for email and password fields (Type it twice to eliminate errors)
Set a default value for certain fields (they’ll be submitted if the visitor doesn’t change them)
Define value ranges and interval steps for number fields
Swap out your form theme on the fly (try on a couple for the perfect fit)
Drag-and-drop your form elements to rearrange them
Use practically any language on your form: Full UTF-8 character set support
Use hidden fields (for your eyes only)
Use magic fields (pre-configured field combos you’ll love—more to come!)
Captcha support (to protect your form from receiving relentless spam)
Autofocus fields (give your visitors a starting point)
W3C-valid HTML 5, CSS 3, even graceful degradation—more awesome than it sounds!


Web Form Design

HTML Flash
Customize the stylesheet for maximum control (you'll be able to import your changes soon)
Add images and icons for an ultra-snazzy design
Customize page, section, and field colors
Control the position of form elements
Crazy flash transitions (We know they can be garish, but hey, we don’t rule out using it for that special occasion!)
Multi-page forms (Mega-forms sometimes need to be split up into chunks)
Set the positioning of your field labels across your form
Define the font family, size, and color
Use multiple columns to fit lots of fields on one page


Showing and Sharing Your Form

HTML Flash
Use a unique URL to easily share/link a full-page form
Easily embed your form in your website (or Blog, Shop—wherever you want it!)
Support for customized form embedding (Tweak whatever you like—it’s totally up to you)


Form Publishing and Processing

HTML Flash
One-click form publishing (now for testing, sharing, or full usage alike)
Use automated form processing (Get results without touching a friggin' database)
Use your own PHP server (but have your hosting provider upgrade it to PHP 5.1, alright?)
ASP server support (but seriously, using the one-click publishing would be way easier)
Support for PHP SMTP Authentication (use your own SMTP mail server if you’re into that)
Send your customer a fully customizable email upon form submission (you can include their entries as well!)
Supply a "From" address for auto-response messages
Redirect your visitor to a specific URL after form submission
Show your visitors or customer a custom message after submission
Upload your form to an FTP server from within the software
Be notified by email every time a form is submitted (Stay in-the-knows)


Data Storing and Reporting

HTML Flash
Configure email messages using HTML and CSS
Customize your choice of confirmation messages (Use a quick message or redirect to provided HTML or a specific URL)
Automatically stores and reports form results (sweet!)
Easily download form results as a text file
Comprehensive overview of all your forms
Log your form results to a MySQL database
Log your form results to a comma separated text document (CSV)
IP address and submission timestamp are automatically added to the form results


Form Statistics

HTML Flash
See how many people looked at your form
Track how many people started filling your form out
See the number of submission for every form (in one single view too)