Need assistance - Post ID 264712

User 2845795 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

Please tell me: how in the world do I perform the only critical function of webseite creation - adding CONTENT? (that's "words and pictures" for the novices).
I finally broke down and bought one of your software applications ('app' for the novices) ... and there exists no useful knowledge base or tutorials or anything about how to use this application correctly - only how to use it to make things prettier or more user-friendly.
I will not waste another week trying to add content using CC software — life is too short and there are too many applications out there which are UX/UE-compliant.
Just a simple question: How the hell do I add WORDS and PICTURES to a webseite? Or do I have to get my money back?

MFG, this is not rocket science (I know, used to be one),
p.s. WTF is the crap below: <cite>Attach a File (will be removed if you preview the post)</cite>
This certainly is not professional!
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Hello Mark,

We do have some documentation (and videos) that will help you get a better grasp on how to use the software. You can also find an excellent tutorial here at

While we do not make any videos ourselves, many of our users have created some for our software (thank you, Mansour)! Those can be accessed here … nd-tricks/ along with other tips-n-tricks on how to perform other tasks within Foundation Framer.

Adding "WORDS" or "PICTURES" is very easy. Just go to the Contents > Elements pane and locate the element type you want to use. So for example, for "words" drag over a Paragraph element to the canvas area. For "pictures" drag a Picture element to the canvas. You will also see on that pane a wide variety of commonly used elements. Each of those you can just drag to the canvas to use. Once an element is on the canvas, select it and go to the Design pane, and there you can style the text, change the "words" and swap out the placeholder image for your own.

It sounds like responsive design is new to you Mark, so give it some time for the articles and videos that we have to sink in. Just keep practicing and playing with the software and I guarantee you that you will have that "Ahhhhh...." moment. ;)

p.s. WTF is the crap below: <cite>Attach a File (will be removed if you preview the post)</cite>
This certainly is not professional!

The message is pretty clear Mark. If you include a file attachment but preview the message before posting, the file attachment will be deleted. "Solution", do not preview first "if" you have an attachment.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2845795 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

Thanks Scott, it is a starting point.

No, I am not new to this field.
* Yes, I am new to the Coffee Cup applications, with their unique skins and structure, jargon and navigation etc. Everything is in the wrong place, with no text-only icons, no typical menu which includes the typical structure: File | Edit | View | Insert | Adjust | Format | Tools | Customize | Help ... I cannot even find a minimize\resize\close button in the top-right corner of the application.
* And, I have been trying to find a high-function + UE-compliant (i.e. WSYIWYG) application for over 8 years now ... much to my travail (I am still using products which were designed to run on Windows 95 / FAT32 filing system... and running the antiquated applications on OS with NTFS/64 bit filing systems on Windows 7 Ultimate and W10 — even tho' both the application maker and Microsoft insist those applications will not run on any Windows OS since Windows XP SP3).

So to summarize your assistance, in order to add text/content:
1. go to the Elements pane and
2. locate the element type you want to use.
3.for "words" drag over a Paragraph element to the canvas area.

First things first: below is a link to the screen-cap of the RFF application. I cannot find anywhere within the application any text or button/icon titled "Elements pane." Could you please tell me where the "Elements pane" is located, or provide a glossary of terms translating English into your application's jargon?

p.s. Just a tip from a lowly customer, but when adding posts to your knowledge base ... only if you want your posts/KB to be searchable ... then you may wish to include the actual Topic of the post within the post's Title.
example: This post is titled "Need assistance" whereas my question was specifically a how-to query about "Adding content" or "Insert Text and Graphics" or "How do I insert text" etc. Including any relevant word or phrase into the post's title may prove to be helpful in the future ... or not if you don't want your customers to be able to search+find the answers to their questions. It's just a thought ...

That's okay, I've been going through these critical issues with software companies since the early 1990s, when I was widely cited to have written, "The problem with allowing the engineers who create a program also write its Help and Tutorials is that you get people who cannot write, writing Help for people who do not need help. -- Mark Rector" source »

? Did you know that in the 1970-90 era the companies which built the "smart" weapons in use today (e.g.TRW and Ford Aerospace etc.) were hiring university English Composition Professors? Why? Because they had to translate the Patriot Missile et alii instructions manuals from "engineer-speak-may-as-well-be-Japanese" into the type of English their typical "users" could understand - usually 18-25 year old high school graduates who did not understand either Engineer-Speak or Japanese ... go figure.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

The screenshot there shows you are on the Layout pane. Move your mouse over any of those 5 icons and it will reveal their name.

Layout Pane:

Content Pane
The Content pane which contains the Elements is just to the right of that

You need to put just a little effort into this Mark. ;)

I cannot even find a minimize\resize\close button in the top-right corner of the application.

Correct me if I am wrong, but what do you call these? ;)

p.s. Just a tip from a lowly customer, but when adding posts to your knowledge base ... only if you want your posts/KB to be searchable ... then you may wish to include the actual Topic of the post within the post's Title.
example: This post is titled "Need assistance" whereas my question was specifically a how-to query about "Adding content" or "Insert Text and Graphics" or "How do I insert text" etc. Including any relevant word or phrase into the post's title may prove to be helpful in the future ... or not if you don't want your customers to be able to search+find the answers to their questions. It's just a thought ...

That is fully under your control. Next time you make a post, first pick the correct discussion area and then give your question a meaningful topic.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 122279 Photo

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14,593 posts

Mark, when you have made yourself a bit more acquainted with the programme, you will know where to find things. And you are wrong in saying there is no minimize, maximize and close buttons in the top corner. They are there. Maybe you just pushed the programme a bit too high up on your screen.

But I give you right in what you are saying here:
Mark Rector wrote:

"The problem with allowing the engineers who create a program also write its Help and Tutorials is that you get people who cannot write, writing Help for people who do not need help. -- Mark Rector" source »

I have been saying something similar myself off and on: that help and instruction files should not be written by people who don't need help and instruction. It used to be better earlier, and I don't know why they are just 'flying over' that bit now. They probably got too much to do...
But thanks to a lot of keen users, instructional videos have been produced galore, and they are really helpful.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2845795 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

We may have found the problem, Scott.
regarding ...
Scott Swedorski wrote:
The screenshot there shows you are on the Layout pane. Move your mouse over any of those 5 icons and it will reveal their name.
Layout Pane:
Content Pane
The Content pane which contains the Elements is just to the right of that

Honest to God Scott,
There are neither a Title Bar nor the typical minimize/resize/close buttons in my installation of the application (refer to screen cap below). The top of my installation is the top of your site icon, the Red/Yellow/Green dots that are above your Site Icon do not appear above the Site Icon on my installation. Screen caps follow ...
Your Screen Cap...
My Screen Cap ...
Open the full-size screen cap »" target="_blank" TITLE="Click for a full-sized Screen-cap, will open in a new browser window or tab.

Please note that ...
(i) I have not moved or resized the window since RFF was initially installed (I couldn't have done it even if I tried — because the Title Bar of the application is not accessible).
(ii) Below are screenshots, I have lots more of them after closing and re-launching the application multiple times, this is all I ever see...

But first, let's note the details regarding my application installation and the system it is installed on ...

RFF Application Details:
  • RFF Application installed: RFF 2.0, build 129 (BETA)
  • ... from the downloaded executable: responsive-foundation-framer-beta-win-en-2.0-129.exe
    System Details:
  • Windows 10 Pro; Version: 1511; build: 10586.545; NTFS Filing System (64-bit OS, x64-based processor) | Intel® Pentium® CPU P6200 @ 2.13GHz | RAM: 4.00 GB

  • regarding ...
    Scott Swedorski wrote:
    Correct me if I am wrong, but what do you call these? ;)

    Please refer to the screen captures below (if you wish I will take an actual picture of my monitor).
  • Screen-cap of the app NOT in full screen ...
    Open the full-size screen cap »" target="_blank" TITLE="Click for a full-sized Screen-cap, will open in a new browser window or tab.

  • [*] Screen-cap of the app IN full screen ...
    Open the full-size screen cap »" target="_blank" TITLE="Click for a full-sized Screen-cap, will open in a new browser window or tab.

    sum: They're both the same = what do I do now?

    regarding the various people who told me to "RTFM" ...
    Where exactly is this user manual located?
    Do you have a URL?
    Or is it within the application's program folder?
    Is it a Readme.txt? Or perhaps a User_Manual.pdf?
    Again, hours searching the forum for the manual ... lots of people telling me to read it ... but WTF is it exactly?

    Thanks in advance, m.a.r.
    User 379556 Photo

    Registered User
    1,577 posts

    Some of the problems mentioned above seem to relate to the Responsive Foundation Framer window not showing correctly. That suggests there may be a problem with the installation. In such circumstances I would be inclined
    (a) to use the Windows 10 Programs and Features panel to uninstall the program;
    (b) to reboot the computer;
    (c) to download again from the 'My Purchases' section of this website the installation program in case something interfered with the original download;
    (d) to reinstall from the newly downloaded installation file.

    I believe the references to a manual are to Help > 'Getting started with Responsive Foundation Framer'.

    User 122279 Photo

    Senior Advisor
    14,593 posts

    Mark, the red, yellow and green dots top left only appear if you use the programme on a Mac. On Windows installations you have the minimize, maximize and close buttons up on the right instead. If you don't have them, then do what Frank is suggesting.
    Ha en riktig god dag!
    Inger, Norway

    My work in progress:
    Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

    User 2845795 Photo

    Registered User
    5 posts

    Howdy Inger,
    regarding ...
    Inger wrote:
    Mark, the red, yellow and green dots top left only appear if you use the programme on a Mac. On Windows installations you have the minimize, maximize and close buttons up on the right instead.

    Thanks Inger, the info about using Macs is helpful to know. Do you know whether the software engineers are also using apple products to crunch the code?
    Yes, I am using Windows 10 Pro, but that is not the problem.
    No, the Title Bar containing the r/y/g dots and the minimize/maximize-resize/close buttons is NOT visible on the re-installation = same old issues.
    [Please remember: the TITLE bar of the application is not visible, hence all these components which should appear within the TITLE bar are also not visible, okay?]
    Inger wrote:
    If you don't have them, then do what Frank is suggesting.

    Yes, good advice Inger. I had already performed what Frank suggested, cited below ...
    Frank Cook wrote:
    Some of the problems mentioned ... I would be inclined
    (a) to use the Windows 10 Programs and Features panel to uninstall the program;
    (b) to reboot the computer;
    (c) to download again from the 'My Purchases' section of this website the installation program in case something interfered with the original download;
    (d) to reinstall from the newly downloaded installation file.

    regarding Frank's suggestion ...
    Okay Frank, That's a very good place to start (applying Occam's Razor to software compatibility issues).
    I don't think that's the problem, but it's always best to do the easiest fixes first.
    • I used Control Panel to uninstall RFF.
    • Booted computer.
    • Launched the computer.
    • Renamed the OLD executable file: {from responsive-foundation-framer-beta-win-en-2.0-129.exe} to {2016.08.11_RFF-beta-win-en-2.0-129.exe}.
    • Re-downloaded the application from My Products, the .EXE file had the exact same weight, filename, age and filepath and filename as the previous download.
    • I ran the executable file as an administrator. [ significant note: It took the longest time installing VC++ and 2013 runtime. This may be a strong indicator of the problem we are having with the installed app.]
    • I deselected "Launch Foundation Framer."
    • And finished the installation.
    • Then I launched RFF "out of the box" from the Desktop Icon.
    Results: no changes, none, zero, NULL, the empty set.
    There still is no Title Bar on the application, the uppermost component within the application window is the File Menu: Site Icon | File | Edit | Actions | Pages | Palettes | View | Help
    I believe the problem may be ...
    The Desktop Computer is a Toshiba. When it was new the VERY first thing I did with it was F-Disk hard-dive, removing the OEM operating system and all applications.
    Then I installed a fresh/complete Windows 7 Ultimate from a box set (I know it was current & genuine » I picked it up at the staff/company store on the Redmond campus, $20.00 "factory direct" - yes it was a sweet deal but I only cared that it was the FULL, Fresh, Un-corrupted + unadulterated version instead of the OEM version from Toshiba.)
    I am now running an upgrade Windows 10 Pro, an upgrade from the "Box Set" CD of Windows 7 Ultimate.
    All of the Windows 10 Pro upgrades are current (automatic).

    What is your next best suggestion?

    I personally believe the problem may be in the software developers' computers. Are their platforms (OS and .NET versions) exactly identical? Are they all running the same Filing Systems too? In my experience, failure to mirror their various versions of .NET and OS can lead to these types of problems in software development.

    regarding ....
    Frank Cook wrote:
    I believe the references to a manual are to Help > 'Getting started with Responsive Foundation Framer'

    Sorry, but I tried again and re-tried multiple times to find "the manual"
      (i) using the site search utility (archaic) and
      (ii) using Google and Bing to search for the imaginary "manual" and "user manual" etc. appropriate search words and search phrases.
    The only result that appeared on either Google or Bing was your reference in quotes from yesterday. At no other URL within the domain name/webseite do the words 'Getting started with Responsive Foundation Framer' appear anywhere on the Internet, neither "manual" or "user manual" etc. etc.
    = I remain unconvinced that there actually exists a user manual ... is there any other reasonable deduction from the event: nobody seems to be able to find the manual, and nobody can send its URL/link to me?

    p.s. Frank, I know you're only "just another registered user" as am I. But if you think it might help CC, I will reach out to the MS project manager who spent his last 8 years before "being retired" by S. Ballmer actually building Windows 7 from the ground up (had a corner office on the same floor as Ballmer in the new Executive Office Building in Redmond ... with a few tens of thousands of code-crunchers, engineers and managers). JH is now making a fairly decent living working with independent Software Applications Design/Build/Market firms, helping them with their compatibility/synchronization/configuration issues. Since Ballmer was unceremoniously kicked to the curb, the last I heard JH is back with MS in an advisory/consulte contractor position, in order to try to hold the house together. Still, I believe he may be able to help out CC within 2-3 days of contracted services. Let me know if you believe it may be appropriate for me to approach the CC Team regarding this little matter (if I have offended thee then please accept my preemptive apology: I did not intend to discomfort you. I am not really autistic, it only seem that way ...).
    User 103173 Photo

    VP of Software Development
    0 posts

    That is not a problem with Foundation Framer Mark. That is a Windows issue. You have just moved the software out of the viewable area. All you need to do is use your mouse in the lower right corner and click and hold and resize the application. That will bring the top part of the application back into the viewable area. You will then see them. But yes, when in full-screen mode, those three icons will of course not be there.

    You seem to love to Google / Bing search for things Mark, so here are some articles that might help you along. A Google search for "titlebar of windows applications off screen" yields 3,160,000 results. … p;ie=UTF-8

    = I remain unconvinced that there actually exists a user manual ... is there any other reasonable deduction from the event: nobody seems to be able to find the manual, and nobody can send its URL/link to me?

    Go to the Help Menu and select Getting Started with Responsive Foundation Framer. Remember this is a beta release. Once the program is officially released, more will follow. However Foundation Framer works very similar to Responsive Site Designer and almost all of the materials we have online for that application will still apply to Foundation Framer.

    You can access RSD's help index here at … lp-manual/

    Still, I believe he may be able to help out CC within 2-3 days of contracted services. Let me know if you believe it may be appropriate for me to approach the CC Team regarding this little matter

    Thanks for the offer, but we do not need to hire anyone for consulting. We got that covered in house. With almost 20 years in the business ourselves, we have a pretty good understanding of how to design software. However, you might find Best Buy's Geek Squad a great resource for Windows related issues. ;)
    Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.

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