Suggestions for CoffeeCup Animation...

User 163444 Photo

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11 posts


After updating my Animation Studio into the newest version (2.1 build 141), I must say I love this new video-2-gif feature! Had a lot of fun with it! Thank you for this nice program!

But what would be great - if I could not only crop the video/gif, but also scale it down to a smaller size. (In Ad Producer, for instance, this is so easy!)
User 486215 Photo

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79 posts

Is there any reason the slideshow output is limited to .png files?

I modified the HTML/Javascript to use different image file names (.jpg) after I generated a slideshow with some (required) .png files and the slideshow worked just great!

So, ???
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

tommyrot wrote:
Is there any reason the slideshow output is limited to .png files?

I modified the HTML/Javascript to use different image file names (.jpg) after I generated a slideshow with some (required) .png files and the slideshow worked just great!

So, ???

It is a PNG slideshow creator. We have just decided that is the only image format we want to use at this time. JPG's are typically used for photo albums which is not what this program is meant for.

That is one of the reasons we give you all the scripts so you can do these cool custom things. ;)
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User 2330088 Photo

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I just bought the pc version for use in vm. Will there ever be a Mac version?
User 187934 Photo

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20,257 posts

How about having an option for the animation to go back and forth instead of going back to the start for the loop.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 1941372 Photo

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92 posts

Nice GUI and as usual, beautiful, friendly icons/buttons/graphics-in-general. Two little things, though:

1. In the Frame Delay edit widget, any value manually entered gets multiplied by 100. So, if I enter 1 it becomes 100 when the widget loses focus. (How'd that get through quality control?!?)
BTW: the workaround is to enter ".01" for "1" (without the quotes).
2. It's possible to animate a PNG with a frame rate greater than 1 second (don't believe me, just go to the "Animated PNG" Wikipedia page [] and check out the bouncing ball). My first, ever, actual need for a PNG animation tool (been waiting for months ;)) required a faster frame rate.

I was forced to resort to doing it [them] as an animated GIF: [Both the animated "lightening" title sequence and the "Animated Eyes" demo sequence]

But I would have MUCH preferred an animated PNG!
When we look at the things around us, we only see them as they were in the past. We really have no perception of reality, at all!
User 2476414 Photo

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Ahh, you've heard this one before. Yeah, probably from me, but, I still think porting to Macs would really be nice. I know you use Parallels, but, not all of us do, or will. So, when you can, it would be great to have your software compatible with both platforms, and it would be greatly appreciated.
User 2111660 Photo

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43 posts

AWESOME, you guys made it possible to set a PNG delay less than 1 second--MUCH LESS! Really COOL!!!

Now, would it be possible to add a forward/backward animation style. There is Continuous, and Play 1 to many times, so how about making it possible to have it continuously play forward, then reverse, then forward, then reverse... Yeah, I could actually use that ;)

[Now, if you guys would only fix the Web Image Studio!]
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User 2111660 Photo

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43 posts

The more I play with this program the more excited I get about the possibilities!

One really cool addition would be "batch processing". Being an "animation" tool, it deals with multiple images. Yet, the Image Editor only works on one frame at a time. What would be REALLY useful would be the ability to apply edits done to one frame, to some or all of the other frames.

For instance. I loaded a series of time-lapse cloud photos. Then, on the first frame, I opened the editor and set the contrast to 77. Liking the result, I wanted to do the same to all the other frames, to create an "other worldly" cloud motion animation -- but, whew, what a pain to have to open the editor on each frame and make that adjustment. And what if there are more than one adjustments! Daunting!!

Also, a set of filters would be nice -- such as blur, sharpen, color shifting, unsharp mask, edge enhance, noise removal, histogram adjustment, contours, color temp adjust... stuff like that--then make all of that batch-able.

I don't ask much, do I?
The sky is high, unless you're in orbit!
User 2111660 Photo

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43 posts

Paste is a bit funky -- I used the Magic Wand to select an area and then I Ctrl+C copied it, then Ctrl+V pasted it and it landed in the upper-left corner of the image, with no apparent way to move it to where I wanted it to go. How about making it so a pasted segment is pasted to a new layer and then add a tool that can move things around on a layer (i.e. re-position the whole layer relative to the other layers). The parts of the layer that extend beyond the "canvas" are clipped (forever).

Another way, is to make it possible to "float" a selected area, i.e. lift the region outlined by the selection, from whatever layer is currently selected and place it on a new, temporary, layer. Then, that floating piece can be moved around. Then, when un-selected (or un-floated), it falls back down onto whatever layer is selected. With that in place, it would, then, be possible to have paste put the item on the canvas as a selected item on it's own temporary layer (so it can be moved around). This can, also, be a way to move things from one layer to another.

Also, it doesn't appear to be possible to select a layer, copy it (i.e. put it in the clipboard) and then close the editing session, open an editing session on a different image [frame] and paste that layer there. When I tried it I got the following error: "Access violation at address 00725052 in module 'CAStudio.exe'. Write of address 00000023." Nice that the whole application didn't crash! Kudos!
The sky is high, unless you're in orbit!

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