Beginner to all responsive programs....

User 244208 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

I need Video or detailed written instruction for web development using your programs.
I have worked with Dreamweaver up through CS6 and Wordpress (from scratch) and have used paid themes and child themes and have built a few responsive websites that work well. I have also used several free online programs such as WIX, weebly, tumblr, etc.
I bought all your programs because I prefer working on my desktop rather than online.
I spent hours trying to use Responsive Bootstrap Builder and Responsive Foundation Framer and couldn't even find how to replace the top image. Everything I was able to figure out was ridiculously slow and difficult so I went back to Dreamweaver cs 6 and knocked out a responsive web page in short order.
I need a tutorial video.
I have not even been able to find any difference between your 2 programs (RBB and RFF).
Found no drag and drop features at all in the bootstrap program.
I need the most elementary instructions to get going.
I also bought an entirely new computer and operating system to use your software because my windows 7 computer wouldn't download one of your programs . . .
Please direct me to help so I can understand the basics here. menus, headers, text sections, footers, slide shows, fonts, columns, etc. I need to see this in action because text explanations often suppose former knowledge that is missing.
I am a calligrapher, photographer and book designer and former magazine publisher.
However I started making websites in 2001 (out of necessity), but almost quit because web design has become too laborious and also bland. I want to use my imagination and have intuitive and easy to use tools at my disposal.
Instead web design has visually degraded through the years.
You may disagree but things used to be more flowing and not boxed in to squares, rectangles and circles.
Please direct me to how to get started with your tools and how to integrate them as I have bought everything you offer.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,253 posts

Hi Jerri,
Any new program can be difficult to get the hang of. I've had photoshop for 20 years and I'm still learning things.
Every app has a help button up at the top that should get you into the drivers seat. Several users have made videos about specific design elements and procedures. They have links to them here in the forum and if you do a search they should come up. The difference between RFF and RBB is their frame work. Some may argue that one is better than the other but I would just pick one and stick with it. Once you get the hang of one you could try the other as CC made their interface very similar. That said these tools are very powerful. They have so many options that it can be overwhelming looking at them all. The best thing to do is to play around with one app and it's settings. Try not to flock shoot the the tools and focus on one task. Ask yourself questions about what you want to do and then look for those settings on the design tab for the element your working with. If you have a specific question ask it in the forum thread for that app and you will get plenty of users willing to help. Also when you ask a question try to have a page published for users to look at so they can see the issue. Another option is to share your project file for others to open. Welcome to the CC family!
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2706435 Photo

444 posts

Go here:
Its based on an older version, newer versions have better styling and options
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

The User Guide is here at … -designer/

Scroll down to "00.1LEARN THE ESSENTIALS" for how-to's and videos.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2846109 Photo

341 posts

I know it can be frustrating getting stared but hang in there and you'll get it.

Even if you're using CoffeeCup software I really recommend you have a base grasp of html/css. Like it or not the web really is built on rectangles. Once you understand how it works you can work within that to make it look like it isn't. Here are a few playlists that I really recommend to help to get up to speed: … KXtAtWEZsq … eYzxJlWcON … qODMqoeeCy … als--ud893

You don't need to know how to program to use CoffeeCup software but it really helps to have firm grasp behind the technologies behind it. Think of BootstrapBuilder as a visual CSS application. Many of the online apps you mentioned like wix or weebly are terribly limiting although they can be very easy to get up and running quickly.

Hope that helps a bit! (built with Bootstrap Builder)
Video Tutorials - … EKA/videos
The Universe from A to Z - (built with Foundation Framer)
User 244208 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

Thanks, I will look things over. I have worked with html and css and dreamweaver 3, 4, 5 and CS6
I hobble together sites based on this and that code, so am familiar with a lot you suggest.
I will look over the manual and videos. Thanks for the reference materials.

Yes, of course I know the limits if the free online programs such as WIX, but have built simple sites using them for myself as s quick exercise and for the occasional client who wants to add their own content pages.
These are two personal sites that I put up as exercises: (some links are inactive)
This is a wordpress site I constructed as a donation using a template:
This is a wordpress site without template:
There are some an old html sites that I made for myself:
This one I did gratis for the gardening community where I live in N California:

User 2655766 Photo

Registered User
12 posts

Hey guys,
I am going to let my newb show a bit.
I started, and have used off and on, the CC coding software, read several good HTML and CSS books, so I have a good grasp of the coding. But still a little uncertain as to what a Bootstrap is (in HTML).
I now have RSD and love it. Only have used it for 2 small projects and it was learning curve but a good one.
It was said here think of Bootstrap builder as a visual CSS app.
Is a Bootstrap a starting style, so to speak?
With RSD can I build a page and make it a style (a bootstrap) to be used across and entire site?
Or is this what BB is? Putting together a visual page and that saved as a Bootstrap and used as a template for an entire site? If yes, can this be done as well with RSD? Also I take it the BS can be saved then opened in RSD if this is the case.
I am still uncertain as to which CC programs are needed to create a stye visually, to be saved as the starting point for an entire site.
Thanks to all.

User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,253 posts

Bootstrap is a responsive frame work with several predefined classes that apply styling to elements. If you have a more recent version of RSD then you have the ability to use Foundation or Boostrap as your frame work. Either should accomplish your needs. RSD is all you need to build a great looking site.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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