Components #2 - Post ID 275701

User 515049 Photo

Registered User
35 posts

Added Jumbotron, Accordian, etc - can't find where to set the details of those items, plus they don't seem to work in preview mode...?
User 2088758 Photo

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3,109 posts

Hi David,

You have to goto inspector icon and you will notice that there are some eyes icons there with crosses through them. Just click on the eye and it will unhide it from view.
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User 515049 Photo

Registered User
35 posts

Hmmm. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place - but I'm looking in inspector with the jumbotron container selected, and no eye? (see attached)
User 244626 Photo

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811 posts

If you are referring to the "preview" next to "preview on" that is probably used mainly for moving the menu out of the way so you can see a larger preview static view. Maybe there is more to that but I dont use it much.

In order for your Accordion to work you will need to "preview on" a browser because the Accordion will probably need to have the bootstrap.js and/or jquery.js loaded to work.

All the settings for css and classes are handled in the design layout for both the Accordion and the Jumbotron.
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User 244626 Photo

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Dave wrote:
Hmmm. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place - but I'm looking in inspector with the jumbotron container selected, and no eye? (see attached)

The jumbotron is a container with text in it. You will not see anything hidden on that component (no eye).

The accordion however does have the dropdown containers with information hidden. It will show hidden (with eye) on each of the containers as Steve mentioned. If you click and unhide you will see the text in the design layout for editing.
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User 185561 Photo

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There are a number of ways to get to the details for container, elements, components, etc., but here is how I normally do it:

After clicking the item you want to edit in the inspector tree, click on the little pencil icon to edit the details. This will bring up a number of sections related to the item selected in the tree.

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User 515049 Photo

Registered User
35 posts

I would love to see a screenshot of this pencil icon (or the eye for that matter)....I don't see it
User 244626 Photo

Registered User
811 posts

Here you go...
Bootstrap 5 CSS Grid.

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