Post your website here! - Post ID 152174

User 2089617 Photo

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58 posts

Many thanks for your comments, they are really appreciated....
Murray Walker: And look at the flames coming from the back of Berger's McLaren
James Hunt: Actually, Murray, they're not flames, it's the safety light.
User 1895693 Photo

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2 posts

Here is the url to my website:
User 1895693 Photo

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2 posts

Here is the url to my website:
User 403435 Photo

Registered User
199 posts

This is the latest site I have made. Always use VSD. Have appreciated all the wonderful help I have received from this forum for all my sites. Am starting a new site for a family that has a mulch farm. This one is a medical supply company. The owner likes the site, but says it's boring. Eek! Any suggestions?
User 244141 Photo

1,209 posts

All these websites look really great.:) Maureen, you put a lot of work into adding content- lots of good content,..well done.
Web Design:
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User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Sarah - the site might be a little bland, but within seconds of checking it out I found something my mother-in-law needs that we didn't know existed. It was very easy to get the product description and find a provider/location close to us. There's one problem solved in less than a minute! So I'd say the site is quite functional! Thanks for sharing it :)
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 104702 Photo

Registered User
293 posts

Hi friends,

After 8 months of inactivity, I finally updated my sixties music website. I added Crosby, Stills and Nash and The Band (how could I ever forget them, thanks Cees-Jan -yes, I'm Dutch:)-, for reminding me). The site is a mix of VSD, some HTML (like the News section) and a MYSQL database for the music. I use the Wimpy player (SQL version) for the database. When you register, you can make your own playlists! And thanks all of you who registered in the past period. And anybody who finds more omissions, let me know!

Have fun!
John van Hulst
User 403435 Photo

Registered User
199 posts

Paintbrush, Thanks for your feedback. I am so glad the site helped you, Am thinking of how to make the site more interesting so that the owner will be more delighted with it. Maybe a video or a photo gallery. Always appreciate your comments. Thanks.
User 193638 Photo

Registered User
557 posts

I was thinking if you changed the banner on the home page to be a little more exciting, it might help. The dark, heavy black box around plain text might be the "boring" part. Just a suggestion.
User 403435 Photo

Registered User
199 posts

Steven, thank you for the idea. I am desparately looking for something to give it some bounce. You're right. I used that because that is what she had on her old site and she likes the black and maroon. But, yes I can make it look better, less like a "death notification". Thanks.

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