Post your website here! - Post ID 206066

User 612667 Photo

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User 513417 Photo

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Here is my transitional site using VSD but I have been practicing and working in the HTML editor. I originally had Eric's slider JQuery but cant seem to get that working on the new site. Other than a few things I am extremely happy with the outcome. Going to work on the online store now to match the site.
Thomas Knipe
Knipe Drums
User 283347 Photo

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388 posts

Jo Ann,

Thanks for the clarification on the images. I'll see if I can get around to making some changes.

Thanks, too for the nice words.

Have a great week!

Jo Ann wrote:
Hiya Mark,

Just so you're aware on the image issue, it's not just the one on the front page, all the little tiny images on some of your other pages are actually huge ones too so those should all be resized too.

Hmm after looking at the pages again, it seems the only page that has the horizontal scroll bar is the one with the falling notes on it. Maybe check that script to see if it has a wider setup than your site and adjust that. Just guessing here, but seems to be something that is constant only on that page and about the only difference I can see between the pages. Hopefully that is the culprit and an easy fix :)

And no worries about not being a web guy, you did a really nice job setting it up and the tweaks will most likely not be too painful so pat yourself on the back for a job well done :)
User 2176485 Photo

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Just redid the whole website...
User 104702 Photo

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293 posts

Completely redid . It's an interior design site, in English, so you'll know your way around. The slideshows are made with Visual Slideshow (all but 'specials') and Wowslider ('specials'), and integrated into VSD with an IFrame. Only the text fields (there are only 2) are not VSD, it's the HML editor, and you know why... Everything is HTML and Javascript, no Flash around.
John van Hulst
User 187934 Photo

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20,226 posts

Nice John.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 104702 Photo

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Thanks Eric.
John van Hulst
User 539803 Photo

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2,156 posts

Trying to knock up something very simple for a friend in VSD for his window cleaning business

To my surprise it seems to work splendid on smart phones which is what we were after

Hosted FREE on CC and awaiting his own photo's to replace my temporary ones.

Template is easily saved from browser if anyone wants to use it feel free
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner

User 2139911 Photo

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15 posts

I built my first website in VSD and remarkably it launched like a charm although it was not completed at the time. That was about a year ago. My company's website was hacked and condemned by Google and so we launched a few months early. Anyway. Everyone at the company is please with the site except me. I want to try again and the President is up for it too.. It is a huge website with a ton of pages.

I would love some input on what I did wrong in putting it together. How I can stream line the internal content.

I constructed the navigation menu myself and this is what I want to change. It works and the public likes it, but it is clunky. The whole site looks like Fred Flintstone built it to me now.. I want a horizontal drop down like you can build in HTML editor. I can build it, but know absolutely nothing about code at all. I am trying to figure it out but it hasn't clicked yet. Not sure how to get it on every page in the same place. Been all over the forum and support pages.

Thanks for any and all advice.

User 2063401 Photo

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4 posts

Hi there! I just finished a long-overdue update of my VSD website,,
for my wedding officiant business here in New Hampshire (I'm a Justice of the Peace). After two years, the Photo Gallery needed a whole new set of images - quite the challenge. For those who are interested in such things, I'm using Photoshop Elements 2.0 to batch process images (600 wide for landscape, 600 high for portrait, jpg medium compression and 72 dpi). There are 4 albums in the gallery, each with about 50 images. It loads fine on our PC and laptop - please let me know if anything's wonky - I'm willing to remove the thumbnails if that's necessary.
The site itself just needed a few edits, and I added a link to a Word doc and one to a Vimeo video. I'll be interested in any/all feedback - not just on the gallery. :D

Jeanne Pounder
Your "JP" in New Hampshire

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