Scott, I see that you are online. Why am I unable to connect with my site? I would appreciate it if you would look into this for me. Thank you, John
These are public forums John. While I do pop my head in here from time to time, if you are in need to technical support directly from CoffeeCup, use your support room.
This could mean your registry settings have become corrupted somehow. What we will need to do is clear out all your registry settings allowing the software to default back to the initial settings. Please note that after doing this you will have to add your FTP information again.
Step 1:
Download this file here at to complete this task.
Step 2 (For Windows 8/7 and Vista Only):
1. Right-click the shortcut icon, and click Properties.
2. Click the Compatibility tab.
3. Here, put a check mark by Run This Program as an Administrator.
4. Next, put a check mark next to Run This Program in Compatibility Mode For: and ensure Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2 is selected.
5. Click OK.
Step 3:
Open your website in Visual Site Designer and go to the File Menu > Save As and save your website into a new folder. Now restart VSD and open the newly saved website. This will be the one you will work with from now on.
Step 4 (if you are using S-Drive):
1. Go to Publish > CoffeeCup Account Settings and enter in your CoffeeCup account information
2. Go to Publish > Choose a Publishing Destination and add your S-Drive account
3. Click Publish
Step 5: (if you are using your own server):
1. Go to the Publish Menu and select FTP Account Settings and select your FTP Account.
2. Verify that all information is correct and the Remote Folder path is not empty. Typically you would enter in a / or /public_html here but you need to confirm with your hosting provider what the correct path is. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THIS PATH IS CORRECT.
3. Go to the Publish Menu and select Choose a Publishing Destination and select your FTP Account and then click Save.
4. Finally, go to the Publish Menu and select Re-Sync Website.