VSD and JUKE BOX - Post ID 6916

User 141653 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

I have five audio files, each created individually with JUKE BOX. In an older version of VSD, I created my site (www.2voiceit.com) and successfully created and uploaded audio files with JUKE BOX, pasting HTML into VSD site and transfering to the web. All worked great. I upgraded to VSD 5.9.4 and JUKE BOX 4.5.

The one "old" audio file that I did not update remains functional. I've been able to get one new audio file created and transfered. Following the same process for each of the new, additional audio files has produced nothing.

The various files that JUKE BOX creates are created. They are stored in the same place as the old and one new functional files. In other words, all the various associated files are present but, not functioning properly.

Any trouble shooting tips would be appreciated. A telephone support number for Coffee Cup would be beneficial. I can't believe there isn't a published number to contact support.

My number is 806-372-6245.
Thank you,
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


You may want to click on profile and change your forum name to something other than your email address.

At the top of this is a link labeled Contact Us. Here is that link: http://www.coffeecup.com/contact/

On that page, you will find how to contact CoffeeCup, even a toll free number: Toll Free: 866.734.HTML (4865)

They generally are not available except during working hours which are posted on the contact page.
User 141653 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

Thank you, Bill. I updated my profile and made note of the number, looked right past it before - seeing only the "Sales Hotline" and no reference to "technical support". I'm a "dummy" :)
User 132952 Photo

3,120 posts

Be sure that with the newer versions of VSD, you're adding JukeBox and other flash objects with the Flash Tool (lightning bolt w/ + sign) on the left menu instead of the other method of copying/pasting the html code with the HTML Tool box. The other method no longer prompts to add the related files as it used to based on the XML file (the Add Flash Tool does this now).

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