Web Video Player in VSD - Post ID 240599

User 406321 Photo

Registered User
33 posts

Has anyone here uploaded videos using the Web Video Player for VSD? I'm working on a website where the customer wants a video. The video is very long. Do any of you know if there is a restriction on length or size of video?

Thanks in advance,

User 187934 Photo

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20,218 posts

Yup, I don't think there's any restrictions on the length. As with any website content short and to the point is always the best policy. If it's really necessary to have all the content maybe have two versions with links to both.:)
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User 418919 Photo

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249 posts

Is the CC Web Video Player still a "good" program? I'm trying to upload a video using VSD. The program won't open. I've uninstalled & re-installed to no avail.
User 2088758 Photo

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3,101 posts

Hi Barbara,

It was for its time but not so much any more. This along with a lot of CC's other flash based programs are outdated and will not play on most smartphones or mobile devices.
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Steve Kolish

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User 418919 Photo

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249 posts

Sorry, I used the wrong terminology. I don't mean "good" per se. I mean does it still work. I can't get it to open.
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Yes, the CC Video Player will still work. Works good! ( Though as Steve mentioned, it's FLASH )
Are you trying to open it by itself, or from within VSD using the 'hot key' ?
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User 418919 Photo

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I tried to open both ways.
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

If you are using windows, please insure that you are running with admin rights. Simply right-click the start up icon and select 'Run as Administrator'. If that works, you can permanently change the start up method later. If that doesn't work, I'd try a re-install. The program should work. Let us know how it goes. :cool:
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User 418919 Photo

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249 posts

No, that didn't work either. I'm already running as Administrator so that wasn't it so I uninstalled & re-downloaded. It gets stalled or stuck with the quick tiips showing with the opening screen behind that.
User 2484360 Photo

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3,293 posts

Barbara Thompson wrote:
No, that didn't work either. I'm already running as Administrator so that wasn't it so I uninstalled & re-downloaded. It gets stalled or stuck with the quick tiips showing with the opening screen behind that.

What version of Windows are you on Barbara?

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