FTP doesn't upload - Post ID 19232
I've followed all the WEBCAM instructions, over & over trying to upload a live webcam to a viewable page at your beloved bluedomino - to no avail. I've contacted my service provider & had ports opened & worked with technical support on helping coffeecup to work. I still can't upload. Tested the HTML code on Word - it worked fine, but when I paste it to the site it doesn't work.CuteFTP didn't help, ftp.bluedomino didn't work....what's up?
About the same time as you posted this I started having trouble with Webcam 3.5 myself. Possibly it is a Windows update that started this. Mine shows a timeout error although I have tried setting the timeout to 120 seconds and turned off the firewall to see if that helps.
Teri Slankard wrote:
I've followed all the WEBCAM instructions, over & over trying to upload a live webcam to a viewable page at your beloved bluedomino - to no avail. I've contacted my service provider & had ports opened & worked with technical support on helping coffeecup to work. I still can't upload. Tested the HTML code on Word - it worked fine, but when I paste it to the site it doesn't work.CuteFTP didn't help, ftp.bluedomino didn't work....what's up?
I've followed all the WEBCAM instructions, over & over trying to upload a live webcam to a viewable page at your beloved bluedomino - to no avail. I've contacted my service provider & had ports opened & worked with technical support on helping coffeecup to work. I still can't upload. Tested the HTML code on Word - it worked fine, but when I paste it to the site it doesn't work.CuteFTP didn't help, ftp.bluedomino didn't work....what's up?
Further my last message. I have tried uploading to my other server which is in a completely different net and I set it to just upload to the default main directly. A zero byte file appears to be sent but that is it. The error is "Upload Error:426 Operation aborted. - Rq:17 - Stat:200 - Err:426"
Perhaps it is not sending Pasv mode??
Perhaps it is not sending Pasv mode??
Anthony Trollope wrote:
About the same time as you posted this I started having trouble with Webcam 3.5 myself. Possibly it is a Windows update that started this. Mine shows a timeout error although I have tried setting the timeout to 120 seconds and turned off the firewall to see if that helps.
About the same time as you posted this I started having trouble with Webcam 3.5 myself. Possibly it is a Windows update that started this. Mine shows a timeout error although I have tried setting the timeout to 120 seconds and turned off the firewall to see if that helps.
Teri Slankard wrote:
I've followed all the WEBCAM instructions, over & over trying to upload a live webcam to a viewable page at your beloved bluedomino - to no avail. I've contacted my service provider & had ports opened & worked with technical support on helping coffeecup to work. I still can't upload. Tested the HTML code on Word - it worked fine, but when I paste it to the site it doesn't work.CuteFTP didn't help, ftp.bluedomino didn't work....what's up?
I've followed all the WEBCAM instructions, over & over trying to upload a live webcam to a viewable page at your beloved bluedomino - to no avail. I've contacted my service provider & had ports opened & worked with technical support on helping coffeecup to work. I still can't upload. Tested the HTML code on Word - it worked fine, but when I paste it to the site it doesn't work.CuteFTP didn't help, ftp.bluedomino didn't work....what's up?
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