FTP software - Post ID 5098

User 419872 Photo

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85 posts

I don't know why, but when I use FTP to download my html files, it corrupts the files. It adds spaces in between all of the lines.

When I use another FTP software, they download the files fine.

Why does it do this?
User 122279 Photo

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I don't know why either, but we are beta testing a new version of Direct FTP these days, and the issue with those inserted line spaces has been fixed. There is no specific release date yet, but I don't think it will be long.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 419872 Photo

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Weird thing is that I just tried Filezilla and when I download a html file from my godaddy server, it also adds line spaces between all the code.

Anyone else experience this or have a fix?
User 282670 Photo

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Hi Steve,
I did a small test, and Using Yahoo web hosting, i went online to the server and chacked a html file, all the text and code were all together as you stated. when I viewed the file in Direct Ftp, they were spaced also,but when I downloaded it to my desktop, it was normal, did the same with Filezilla. I haven't checked yet Goadaddy, or any others, but could you maybe let us see your coded file maybe there's a reason in the coding for it to be spaced. i am also curious. Or we can wait to see if Ms Inger's suggestion will fix it.Thanks

User 419872 Photo

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Doesn't have anything to do with code. I tried multiple HTML files.

If I use godaddy's file manager and download direct, the file is fine no matter what HTML editor I use.

If I use and FTP software, and it doesn't matter which one, download an HTML file and open it with an HTML editor, there is line spaces between every code line.

I did notice if I use FTP software, and open the file with notepad, then save it, the file will open normally and no spaces. Does this make any sense?

Also, this is a separate issue.
I use windows XP pro. I created a FTP in windows xp network window. I can view my files in my main directory fine, but if I try to go in a folder, such as images, it will not let me, keeps asking for log in over and over.

Any ideas of what I am doing wrong?
User 282670 Photo

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Hi Steve, I don't know the cause I have set up an explorer ftp, and have no problems.
I'm using XP SP2 I.E.7 could it be a settings somewhere? internet options? i'm guessing for sure.

User 419872 Photo

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Windows XP PRO:

I set up a FTP connection in my networks folder, going through networks, add a networks place, added my hosting information and it will come up fine. I can see, download, upload, all the main directory files fine. But when I try to access the other folders it will not allow me to enter them. Even though everything has the same permissions. Any IDeas?
User 419872 Photo

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85 posts

As far as my original problem,

When I use Godaddy's built in file manager in their hosting site, I use it to upload and download. Then when I go and use my FTP program and download, now I have spaces. So I can assume Godaddy uses Binary code, which I cannot find a way to change it, and then I assume most FTP programs use Ascii?

So this is what seems to cause the issue of the line spaces.

I am wondering how I can fix all my files to be in sync now without corrupting everything.

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