Accordian - How to change text in...

User 2833234 Photo

Registered User
7 posts

Hello All,

Silly question, having done Accordian is RSD with no issue, I can't seem to get it to work as expected in RFF - The issue I am experiencing is that after I have added a component 'Simple Accordian' then I set about editing the text (in paragraph), the first one (Accordian 1) is already open so I edit the text and heading as required, then I want to do the same for Accordian 2 and 3, but I cannot for some reason get into the paragraph to edit my text for these two, am I missing something? Also I want to add a further 6 Accordion, I tried duplicating the section, but it don't resequence properly i.e. still shows 1 2 3 , a 1 2 3 and again in actual viewing. Are there ways of doing this? I am using the latest version (2.0.226).

User 379556 Photo

Registered User
1,577 posts

It's by no means a silly question. I guess most of us had to find out about this by experimenting or asking.

If one goes to the Inspector panel (by clicking on the magnifying glass icon at the top right), there is a button at the bottom left of the Outline section of that panel. Clicking on that button once or twice will open all the panels. One can then edit the text links and other items, or add or remove items. Such editing will also deal with the numbering (Accordion 1 etc.)

Duplicating seems to me the easiest way of creating new panels, and, as mentioned above, the numbering can be edited or removed altogether according to what is needed.

User 2833234 Photo

Registered User
7 posts

Hi Frank,

Thanks for that, I never thought that a tick in the 'Show n hidden items' would have solved that one issue! Duplicating - I had to ensure that I select 'list item container' rather than 'item container' to ensure I got the sequencing as I wanted.

Once again thanks Frank, I was beginning to think it was a bug in the software when I couldn't edit more boxes!!
User 232214 Photo

827 posts

Frank Cook wrote:
It's by no means a silly question. I guess most of us had to find out about this by experimenting or asking.

We're in the process of documenting every detail and function in the software. This question helped me realize that this was not addressed in enough detail yet considering its importance. I made a new section for this here: (this is for Bootstrap Builder but it applies to Foundation Framer the exact same way — Foundation Framer specific documentation to follow).
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