Button vs Button Submit - Post ID 264007
I have been trying to find out the difference between the BUTTON and BUTTON SUBMIT types in FF. Whenever I change the details for a BUTTON, all BUTTON details change within my project, but NOT any of the BUTTON SUBMIT type. I started with the template CLOSE YOUR EYES AND OPEN YOUR MIND that had both of these button types. However, I can not find the BUTTON in the element list anywhere. What am I doing wrong?
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Submit button is form element.
The buttons changing because using the same class
The buttons changing because using the same class
Guys at coffeecup are awesometacular.
Thanks Mansour, but where can I find just the button and not the button submit element?
Once you accomplish the impossible, then you can move on to the hard stuff!
QuizMaster wrote:
Thanks Mansour, but where can I find just the button and not the button submit element?
Thanks Mansour, but where can I find just the button and not the button submit element?
Look to the right of Button Submit. You will find Button Link.

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Thanks Scott, however, the button that is displayed in the template isn't a button link, but just a button. I would like to know how the button element is selected like it is used in the template.
Once you accomplish the impossible, then you can move on to the hard stuff!
QuizMaster wrote:
Thanks Scott, however, the button that is displayed in the template isn't a button link, but just a button. I would like to know how the button element is selected like it is used in the template.
Thanks Scott, however, the button that is displayed in the template isn't a button link, but just a button. I would like to know how the button element is selected like it is used in the template.
Buttons are either Submit or Links. There is no 3rd choice. What template are you using?
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If I use the 'New From Theme>Real Estate or Travel' template. The button called "Action" has a type called Button, not Button Submit or Button Link. I would like to know how to select this button as an element. This button is not available in any of the RSD templates, only in FF.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
Once you accomplish the impossible, then you can move on to the hard stuff!
QuizMaster wrote:
If I use the 'New From Theme>Real Estate or Travel' template. The button called "Action" has a type called Button, not Button Submit or Button Link. I would like to know how to select this button as an element. This button is not available in any of the RSD templates, only in FF.
Thanks in advance.
If I use the 'New From Theme>Real Estate or Travel' template. The button called "Action" has a type called Button, not Button Submit or Button Link. I would like to know how to select this button as an element. This button is not available in any of the RSD templates, only in FF.
Thanks in advance.
What you need to use is the Button Submit element. It is found in both RSD and FF. It has all the functions you are looking for.

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
Ok, thanks.
Once you accomplish the impossible, then you can move on to the hard stuff!
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