Changing columns in layout traps user...

User 2040817 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

Did a search and did not find this reported before...

After changing the number of columns in "layout" an alert box pops up warning - "Modifying the grid may change the layout of your pages. you might need to update the span widths of all your columns accordingly."

Clicking on "X" to close the alert increments the column count by +1 and throws up another alert. Clicking on "OK" also increments the column count by +1 and throws up another alert.

The only way to escape it is to select "Don't show this again".
User 379556 Photo

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1,577 posts

I can confirm experiencing this effect once this morning, but I have subsequently not been able to replicate it.

The above situation leads me to wonder whether it is somehow related to the screen that appeared when I started RFF this morning. I forget the exact details, but it allowed one to choose how one would describe oneself (Freelance etc.) and had a space for comments about wishes for the program. I looked at the choices in it, but closed it thinking that I could complete on a subsequent reopening of the program. That screen has not appeared on subsequent restarts of the program today.

User 188640 Photo

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895 posts

Carman and Frank,

I have been working with FF since the first version and have never had anything like either of you have described.

Carman, how many columns are you trying to put in a row? You didn't really give any details about what you were doing when you got an alert.

Frank, it sounds like you might want to do a scan on your computer for viruses, worms, etc..
A Rose is Just a Weed in a Corn Patch!
User 379556 Photo

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1,577 posts

Hi Ernie

Thanks. I've followed your advice, but happily neither Avira Antivirus Pro nor Malwarebytes found anything amiss.

The problem didn't relate to the putting of columns in a row, but to the lowermost item in the Layout panel, just under the words 'Grid Foundation 6.2.1', where one sets the number of spans (called 'Columns' at that place) for the Grid. If, on opening the program with one of the blank themes, one immediately tries to change the number of spans, one gets an error message that this can be done only on the right of the lowest custom breakpoint. The problem occurred immediately after moving the slider to the right of that breakpoint and trying to increase the number of spans. As mentioned in the earlier post, this was a one-off problem, and I haven't been able to replicate it since.

User 188640 Photo

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895 posts


OK, I guess I misunderstood how it happened. I think I'll try and see if I can get it to do that and maybe it's a bug they haven't found yet.

EDIT - I see what you mean. You have to be to the right of the lowest hard coded breakpoint and then you can only get out of a loop on that message by checking the box 'Don't Show This Again'.
A Rose is Just a Weed in a Corn Patch!
User 2040817 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

Yes Ernie, that is the experience I was describing. In my case I started with a blank page, built a a top navigation menu and then added a column. It was at this point I changed the number of 'Columns' in the layout panel and experienced the loop. I panicked for a second because I thought I was going to have to end Framer abnormally to exit, without being able to save...but then tried selecting "Don't Show This Again" in the alert box and was able to break the loop.

Thanks Ernie and Frank for confirming.

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