Component creation - Post ID 270741

User 2336860 Photo

Registered User
252 posts

Maybe I missed this before (first noticed it in build 279), but I am really enjoying having the ability to create my own components in RFF.

Now if only I could nest containers more than 3 deep. :D

User 2846109 Photo

341 posts

I think we've been able to create our own components for a while now but they are not available across projects. Hopefully soon though! That will be... awesome... (built with Bootstrap Builder)
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User 2336860 Photo

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252 posts

I just set up the components I want, and delete them from the page and save the resulting blank page with my components as a theme. :D

User 2846109 Photo

341 posts

ChefScott wrote:
I just set up the components I want, and delete them from the page and save the resulting blank page with my components as a theme. :D

That's a great idea! (built with Bootstrap Builder)
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The Universe from A to Z - (built with Foundation Framer)
User 2719045 Photo

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49 posts

Any update on being able to create your own Components? By law in Europe we have to have a Cookie Policy page and having to set this up on every project is very time consuming. For example, the one we use has one Heading 1, one Heading 2, 6 Heading 3, 8 Paragraphs and 6 Unordered Lists. Copying, pasting and formatting all of that takes a long time. Ideally I would want to set it up once, add the Column or Container to the Components list and then be able to select on to the page on a new project.


User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Jeremy Woolger wrote:
Any update on being able to create your own Components? By law in Europe we have to have a Cookie Policy page and having to set this up on every project is very time consuming. For example, the one we use has one Heading 1, one Heading 2, 6 Heading 3, 8 Paragraphs and 6 Unordered Lists. Copying, pasting and formatting all of that takes a long time. Ideally I would want to set it up once, add the Column or Container to the Components list and then be able to select on to the page on a new project.



You can do that now in Foundation Framer. Just create a Symbol from that Row the content is in and then add that Symbol to every page.
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User 2719045 Photo

Registered User
49 posts

Hi Scott

Is there a way of using a symbol from one project in another? That's what I am after. I thought that Components were the only thing common in each project.


User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,592 posts

If you are using Foundation framer, symbols and components can only be used in the projects in which they are created. In RSD2 components can be saved in a component library to be used for other projects too.

Since you ask your question in the FF thread, I assume you are using that programme, and here is what I would do: Save a project with the desired component(s) as a new theme. If you have symbols, then make components out of them. Then start your next project, where you want to reuse the components, with that theme you made.

As far as I know CC will enable component sharing between projects, even between users, in some future update, but whether that will be for RSD only, or for the two other programmes too, remains to see.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2719045 Photo

Registered User
49 posts

Thanks Inger, I'll give that a go. We have now worked on over 30 projects with RFF and it's not particularly productive setting up the same page in each one. Creating a theme with the content as a Component is a good solution.

User 2846109 Photo

341 posts

That's good to hear that RSD2 lets you save and reuse components. Hopefully that means it's on it's way for RBB and RFF. :D (built with Bootstrap Builder)
Video Tutorials - … EKA/videos
The Universe from A to Z - (built with Foundation Framer)

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