Copy Style Between Breakpoints in FF...

User 47083 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

I'm working on a template for a Joomla site that is still in development. The Foundation Framer is looking pretty easy so far, but I may have the workflow backwards or something.

I typically start out with the desktop size and work my way down. I did a lot of design work on the desktop size for this new template and as soon as I moved down to the first breakpoint, everything (design-wise) disappeared. Does this mean that I have to redo all of the design elements (fonts, images, etc) for the tablet break and phone break? Or is there a way to do a copy/paste for the lower levels and adjust as needed?

User 434929 Photo

938 posts

Buddy Foundation Framer is base on Zurb Foundation front-end framework which is mobile-first workflow. This means you will start your projects for smaller screens first and work your way towards the largest screen size.

Learn about Zurb Foundation front-end framework :

Zurb Foundation front-end framework is Mobile First Approach.

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User 47083 Photo

Registered User
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Thanks for the responses. I was hoping that there was an easy way to copy the styles to the lower breakpoints. I assumed that it would be the other way around based on my experience with rsd.
It would be nice if it would have the option for desktop down, but I understand that it is based on a different platform base.
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User 47083 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

Another question, I also have rsd with a design done. Is there a way to export from rsd to import into foundation framer?
I'm guessing not, but my fingers and toes are crossed.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Rob Rose wrote:
Another question, I also have rsd with a design done. Is there a way to export from rsd to import into foundation framer?
I'm guessing not, but my fingers and toes are crossed.

That you cannot do Rob as they use different frameworks.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.

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