Meta Tags? - Post ID 265175

User 1955696 Photo

Registered User
23 posts

No doubt my lack of experience again, but I have been editing the html pages (in CC HTML Editor) after exporting from FFR to add key keywords and content in the meta tags of each page - quite labour intensive. I am assuming there is a simple way to do this in FFR, but silly me hasn't figured that out yet. If I add an HTML element won't FFR still export pages with blank keywords and content in the header?
Would appreciate advice on this.
User 379556 Photo

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1,577 posts

Future exports from RFF would indeed overwrite files which were previously exported and then modified in HTML Editor.

Confusingly there are two Settings buttons in RFF,
(a) one in the very top row which sets the Project Name etc., and
(b) one near the top right next to the Inspector button.

Titles, metatags, keywords etc. are set in (b).

User 1955696 Photo

Registered User
23 posts

Thanks again Frank, up and running - had seen it before, but somehow blanked it.

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