Orbit transition timing - Post ID 263667

User 2879688 Photo

Registered User
201 posts

Hi Forum
I've been exploring FF and the Orbit slider but can't find any obvious way to timing of the slides.
This appears to be built in as all the timings under 'transitions' on the toolbar ie 'duration' or 'delay' seem to be 0!
Has anyone tried to change and succeeded with this please?
Thanks Tim
Jazz isn't dead it just smells funny!
User 2879688 Photo

Registered User
201 posts

First line should read....
Ive been exploring FF and the Orbit slider but can't find any obvious way to change the timing of the slides.... (Duration of the time between slides)...
Jazz isn't dead it just smells funny!
User 434929 Photo

938 posts

did you try data-timer-delay or data-slide-speed ?
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User 434929 Photo

938 posts

Honestly I wont waste my time on Orbit as it has been deprecated, meaning that it is no longer supported by Zurb and they recommend slick http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/

But I would say use CC Content Slider/ http://www.coffeecup.com/responsive-content-slider/ you can control the time to display the slides and loop as well visually.
Guys at coffeecup are awesometacular.
User 434929 Photo

938 posts

Tim Corke wrote:
First line should read....
Ive been exploring FF and the Orbit slider but can't find any obvious way to change the timing of the slides.... (Duration of the time between slides)...

http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/v … orbit.html

go to advance section and see the timer_speed & animation_speed
Guys at coffeecup are awesometacular.

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