Swapping images - Post ID 264896

User 2368890 Photo

Registered User
24 posts

I'm a real newbie to Foundation Framer, coming from a 100% coding experience. I've been "playing" with FF, working with a website that I already manage. I am wondering if there is a way to swap a header image? I have a small header image that I created for small screens, but would like to have the "expanded"/larger version (that I already use for the current, "full-size" site) for larger screens. Is there a way to have both, and just have whichever one show up for the appropriate size screen? If so, how do I go about doing that? I hope this makes sense! :/
User 379556 Photo

Registered User
1,577 posts

While the picture is selected, one can go to the Element section of the Design panel and use the small Change button just below the Picture line. Unlike most items in the Element section of the Design panel, this item can be used to change the picture at different breakpoints.

User 2368890 Photo

Registered User
24 posts

Thanks! I'll be sure to try that. :)

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