Two softwares: Bootstrap Builder and...

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I have these software - Bootstrap Builder and Foundation Framer. I haven't started them unfortunately. I am pretty sure that I am not the only one. Actually, I have a Responsive Site Designer.

I am confused with the difference because they look somewhat same. What is going on?
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At first we had the earlier versions of RSD, which was based on the Coffeegrinder system, and you could choose between desktop or mobile first. Then came Foundation framer, based on Foundation and the mobile fist approach. This became quickly very popular, and those of us who wanted to use Bootstrap, begged for a similar programme based on Bootstrap. They listened, and Bootstrap builder was born. My guess has always been that those two, RFF and RBB were 'forerunners' for the new RSD, which now has left Coffeegrinder and is using the two other grid systems. But RFF and RBB have their own congregations, who wish to use just one of the two systems, so therefore CC has developed them further with the bells and whistles that you already find in RSD2.
You will have to decide for yourself which programme you want to use. If you have RSD2, you probably don't need the other two, unless those other two has now got something that RSD doesn't have (yet). And if you only want to use Bootstrap, you can do well with just RBB. But with RSD you have the option of using one system or the other, and that allows you to choose among all the themes and all the components that come with the programme.
So, this is basically what is going on. ;)
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Inger, Norway

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User 2443670 Photo

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I'm in the same predicament, I probably shouldn't have purchased RBB and RFF and picked up RSD2 instead. However, I have invested in both now so I will stick with one of these two. I don't want to be upgrading both so it would be helpful if someone took all three responsive builders and did a comparison of them alongside each other. The comparison would cover the benefits offered by each builder and what background and tasks they are suited too.

I look forward to some real guidance on the pros and cons of each.

User 418525 Photo

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I got all three recently in a bundle purchase...mucho day-nair-OH! Anyway...why did i have to get all those when the one RSD2 would have done the trick?. Also and maybe to note i am one of the not so code savvy...and well this really confused me...but as a coffeecup wannaabee groupie I am struggling thru all the menucia and trying to rebuild my web site with this new (tome) responsive software. I really wish the available training tutorials had more of a sense of beginning at my 4th grade level then building upon that foundation :-) ...seems way over done which leads to so much confusion...should I have paid to have someone build my site for me...having second used to be so easy,
User 2641365 Photo

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Clair Moore wrote:
I got all three recently in a bundle purchase...mucho day-nair-OH! Anyway...why did i have to get all those when the one RSD2 would have done the trick?. Also and maybe to note i am one of the not so code savvy...and well this really confused me...but as a coffeecup wannaabee groupie I am struggling thru all the menucia and trying to rebuild my web site with this new (tome) responsive software. I really wish the available training tutorials had more of a sense of beginning at my 4th grade level then building upon that foundation :-) ...seems way over done which leads to so much confusion...should I have paid to have someone build my site for me...having second used to be so easy,

Yes, it is a problem with the CoffeeCup's instructions on the tutorial. It messed up with the old and new tutorials together because of no classification or separations (folders). The tutorials are way too long that are easy for us to get lost. It has no demo with an arrow to let us know where it goes on the video. I think that you have to play around with your software to get the idea how it works. The other problem is that it has no link folder such as shopping features like security and instead of PayPal, like your bank link if reasonable price service. PayPal is a huge company is something that you don't want to deal with. If you want to have someone to build your site, then you would end up more money but CoffeeCup software is somewhat suitable that let you control what you want on your website. I saw other company's nice website design software but it has online that does not let you to download their software on your computer, and it has many good things but many customers complaint that they have to pay more. Just stick with the RSD2 and RED (email business) for now. I don't think that they are willing to add for shopping features with flexible on RSD2 in the future because many of us care about money business than "personal stories" on their website. Off topic, millions of websites are now piece of junk. Google has filters that prevent you on the internet what you are looking for. I am using DuckDuckGo search engine that does a pretty good job.

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