Inger, your instructions were really helpful. I have two questions. The first one is how do I add a menu separator or some people call it a menu bar or you could call it a grey bar between menu items. The second question is how do you delete a menu item. When I right click on my new custom menu, I can add an item, or I have the option to select to not view an item via a check box, but I don't see a way to delete an item. I'm not sure about dragging a menu option away, it didn't seem to work.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Inger said,
If you right-click in the menu bar, on the grey area without any buttons, you get a menu with the item 'customize'. Click on that, and then you can drag any menu item or button to your liking. I have, for example, dragged that comment thingie up onto the menu bar so that it has become a button. Also the various Save options I have added as single buttons in the menu bar instead of having them as sub-buttons. The original Save button has been deleted simply by dragging it away from the menu bar.
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