Customizing Menus - Post ID 289312

User 2906089 Photo

Registered User
226 posts

I started a new thread on this here instead of the suggestion area.

Inger, your instructions were really helpful. I have two questions. The first one is how do I add a menu separator or some people call it a menu bar or you could call it a grey bar between menu items. The second question is how do you delete a menu item. When I right click on my new custom menu, I can add an item, or I have the option to select to not view an item via a check box, but I don't see a way to delete an item. I'm not sure about dragging a menu option away, it didn't seem to work.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Inger said,

If you right-click in the menu bar, on the grey area without any buttons, you get a menu with the item 'customize'. Click on that, and then you can drag any menu item or button to your liking. I have, for example, dragged that comment thingie up onto the menu bar so that it has become a button. Also the various Save options I have added as single buttons in the menu bar instead of having them as sub-buttons. The original Save button has been deleted simply by dragging it away from the menu bar.
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User 122279 Photo

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I don't think I've ever seen any option for adding/deleting menu separators.

You delete a menu item by dragging it off the position where it is sitting, simply drag it down from alle the menu bars and let go of it. Of course the 'customize' has to be open when you do.
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Inger, Norway

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