Does HTML Editor support the UTF-8 ?...

User 1893521 Photo

2 posts

Please help. Does HTML Editor support the UTF-8? How to set the page properties to support the UTF-8 ?
User 463058 Photo

1,084 posts

Nope. It does not support it.
User 1893521 Photo

2 posts

Thank you.
User 37670 Photo

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I hate to correct you on this one, but.....

When you start a new blank web page in CC HTML Editor, you have this meta tag:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />

Seems to me that CoffeeCup has the UTF-8 set as default, AND you can change that to anything you want. The Editor is simply and editor, and you can make it support what ever you need, as long as you know how to code it. It also has many build in wizards to help along the way.

So, YES, it supports UTF-8 /////////////////// It seems that I have missunderstood the question and gave a bad answer........see the posts below this for a better understanding of how I came to the wrong conclusion. My appologies.
E-Learning Specialist is my website, and yes, some of it is crappy.
User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

Thanks Cliff. I was starting to think I was losing what little brain I had.
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 463058 Photo

1,084 posts

Cliff Main wrote:

I hate to correct you on this one, but.....

When you start a new blank web page in CC HTML Editor, you have this meta tag:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />


So, YES, it supports UTF-8

Ah, but if only it were so easy. Meta tags mean nothing when they don't match the character encoding that's actually being used. Unfortunately, CC hasn't corrected this by making the the default meta tag an encoding that's actually supported.

If the HTML Editor actually supported UTF-8, I would be able to type in Japanese directly as with other true UTF-8 capable editors. This is simply not the case, because it doesn't support UTF-8.

Just open any Japanese or Chinese page created with UTF-8 in the HTML Editor and all the page's text content will look like garbage because the Editor treats and loads (and also saves) the page as if it were ANSI encoded rather than Unicode.

Now, if all your work is in English, then you can use the UTF-8 meta tag to your heart's content and never notice anything because of the overlapping similarities in encoding between Latin 1 and UTF-8.

Do You Know Your Character Encodings? … ssue=134#5

The Definitive Guide to Web Character Encoding … -encoding/
User 37670 Photo

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Pardon my mistake. I thought the question was directed at the editor being able to code a web page that should be able to support UTF-8 in a web page. I did not think of it literally being able to display all UTF-8 characters in the Editor itself.
My bad.
E-Learning Specialist is my website, and yes, some of it is crappy.
User 2794522 Photo

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HTML supports UTF-8 but it seems that the CoffeeCup HTML editor does not (and cannot) save text files (HTM, HTML etc) in UTF-8 format. This is a serious lacking in my opinion. I am saying this in 2016 and I note this thread is from 2009 and thus suspect CC have no intention to do anything about it.

Even Notepad can do it. You just save the file with encoding = UTF-8. Default is encoding = ANSI which I think is what CoffeeCup always does. Unfortunately if you edit a UTF-8 encoded file with CoffeeCup it will change it to ANSI and change some characters to ?.

It is a problem for me because I want to use diacritic markings for sanskrit which involves accents and dots above and below letters e.g. ?r? K???a
In Notepad ?r? K???a looks like ?r? K???a
In CoffeeCup it gets changed to Sri K???a

It makes CoffeeCup unusable if you want to embed unicode characters in your html files.

User 2794522 Photo

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2 posts

Ignore my examples because the UTF-8 characters that I typed into this post were converted to question marks when I submitted it! Sorry, as I should have guessed that would happen.
User 2893561 Photo

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Am I getting it right that the issue is still not fixed in the latest version (15.4 build 802)? :o

It is a severe blocker for me as I am starting a website with two language versions. It works well with English, but for another language, the lack of UTF-8 support is a showstopper.

I was using a free edition of the editor, and Cyrillic strings were saving fine there. Now I upgraded to the paid one, and it corrupted everything...

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